Read anything good lately?

Cuz not much point having a Nook if there’s nothing worth reading on the thing.

Just finished Christopher Moore’s Fool . . . probably my favorite of his thus far (and I think I’ve read all but one or two of his books).

I’ve gotta get some sleep. Slept like crap last night thanks to, oh, who knows. Caffeine? Chocolate? Forgetting to take my Benadryl?

All of the above?

So what are you reading? Or have read. I’m in the mood for something escapist.



  1. jmc says:

    Have you tried Ariana Franklin’s Mistress of the Art of Death? Twelfth century mystery.

    Am currently reading No Mercy by Lori Armstrong. Mystery set in Sourh Dakota. Pretty good so far.

  2. Dean says:

    Well, I don’t know if I’d call this a recommendation, but I’m reading ‘Monsoon’ by Wilbur Smith, and enjoying it in a perverse sort of way.

    Full disclosure: I have not read for pleasure in about 15 years – when I went back to school I stopped, and I haven’t managed to pick up the habit again – so my opinions are highly suspect.

    Anyway, I needed something to read so I picked up the least objectionable looking best-seller I could find in the limited selection available, and I am enjoying it. Sort of.

    It is poorly written. Really poorly written. Smith creates a tableau of cardboard characters who lurch across his sketchy (but broad!) landscapes with dubious motivations. Worst of all, Smith tells, tells, and tells some more, and then when you’re barely recovered from all that telling he drops another shitload of telling on your head.

    And yet I keep reading. I think this is because Smith, while a crappy, crappy writer (at least as evidenced by ‘Monsoon’) is pretty good at plotting, and I want to see what happens next even as I rewrite the goddam book in my head.

    Also, I keep thinking if this shitty-writin’ motherfucker can sell a book, I can too.

    So, yeah. I’m not recommending the book, but I’m going to finish it.

  3. Dean says:

    PS: please excuse me, I said ‘motherfucker’ on your blog.

  4. Dean says:

    PPS. Damn.

  5. KGK says:

    Just finished Backstabbing for Beginners, written by a former UN staff member who worked in the UN as part of the Oil for Food program. Spent the next day angry and depressed, so probably not a recommendation. Prior to my own exposure that that mileu, I would have considered the book exaggerated.

    Have you read the Marcus Sedgwick YA books? The ones I’ve gotten were quite good.

    BTW, ended up calling myself the concillitator of a meeting. Rather liked the mash-up of facilliator, and conciliator.

  6. Stamper in CA says:

    Locked Doors by Blake Crouch (yes, the guy I told you to check out before). I really think you’d like the way this guy writes.

  7. Lyvvie says:

    I was trying to find the post you did a few months about about Sci-Fi books, or I asked you for recommendations for Husband so I could get him a birthday present and I can’t find the post, and he’s now read his birthday presents and I thought I’d ask again.

    I finished Laura Kinsale’s newest, Lessons in French and I didn’t love it millions of bits (For which I fear Beth will cull me from her bloglist) but I didn’t hate it either.

    I want something with a Ninja heroine and a bad attitude and a mild but rough/sarcastic almost always right hero. I need a break from Georgian misses.

    I’ve been sleeping like crap too! cant get into that deep sleep, just dozing all night and I hate it. I may start running at night.

  8. shaina says:

    you kinda like fantasy, dontcha? Terry Goodkind, Sword of Truth series. They’re my bf’s favorite books, and he made me try them last semester…and i got obsessed. they’re huge epics (i think #2 or #3 breaks 1000 pages), but they’re totally awesome.

    other than that i can’t think what else i’m reading lately that you’d like…currently i’m making my way through JD Robb’s whole series. i’m on #16.

  9. Walnut says:

    Lyvvie, Lessons in French and I didn’t love it millions of bits (For which I fear Beth will cull me from her bloglist) but I didn’t hate it either.

    I want something with a Ninja heroine and a bad attitude and a mild but rough/sarcastic almost always right hero. I need a break from Georgian misses.

    I’ve been sleeping like crap too! cant get into that deep sleep, just dozing all night and I hate it. I may start running at night.

    has to be the absolute coolest book title I’ve ever read.

  10. Lyvvie says:

    All right, so I fudged my end tag….*cry*

  11. Walnut says:

    Ah, but it gave me a good laugh 🙂