Unfortunate names

Over at the Bad Product Names blogspot, you can discover all kinds of rotten trade names. (I see they’ve picked up on the irony that is Publishit.com.) We’ve all heard about the Chevy Nova (bombing in Central and South America, since Nova = no va = “it doesn’t go”), but Kum & Go gas station? And I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Wii is a hella stupid name for anything.

But tonight, I heard a commercial for a drug with a most unfortunate name.


Main Entry: qui·etus
Pronunciation: \kwī-ˈē-təs, -ˈā-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English quietus est, from Medieval Latin, he is quit, formula of discharge from obligation
Date: 1540

1 : final settlement (as of a debt)
2 : removal from activity; especially : death
3 : something that quiets or represses

The manufacturers are thinking of definition 3.

I (and who knows how many other folks) am familiar with the word primarily from its second definition.

Honey, did you remember to take your dose of Lethal tonight?
