
I have nothing to say. I suppose I could write one of those “what I did today” entries, but then you’d find out how much time I waste playing Dragon Age or Oblivion.

Oh, well. We’ll make it a Hoodia update. Yes, it works as an appetite suppressant, but I’m still not losing any weight. Not gaining, either, so that’s something.



  1. Stamper in CA says:

    If it’s any consolation, I’m having trouble dropping what I gained over vacation which luckily wasn’t much. What works for me is trite but true: eat less, exercise more. Too bad I can’t follow my own advice.

  2. Lucie says:

    January BLAH.

  3. KGK says:

    Must be something in the air – have been ruminating over my failings as a parent, wondering why I don’t want to do anything with kids other than play Wii.

  4. Walnut says:

    Definitely the blahs. That and being on call. When I’m on call, I never feel like doing much.

  5. Kris Starr says:

    Definitely January blahs. If only the sun would come out here…I’d feel much more energetic. As it is, I don’t want to do anything more than play on FaceBook but I’ve got a real book to finish, dammit… 😛

  6. Walnut says:

    And we’re looking at a full week of rain. Just like the North Coast, but without the benefit of the coast. Or the redwoods. Or the clean air.

    At least with all this wind and rain, Bako doesn’t smell like a cow’s ass. I’m sure this is only temporary.