Bragging rights

We got Jake’s first semester report card in the mail today: three As, three A+s, and an A- in PE. Based on the GPA, they clearly don’t count the PE grade towards the GPA. That’s nice.

I resisted the urge to pull the old family joke: “What, only THREE A+s??? Well I guess you’ll have to try harder next time.” Yes, we’re an obnoxious bunch.

The only question remaining (aside from what should we do to celebrate): should we send a photocopy of this report card to the public high school principal who didn’t think Jake could handle trigonometry? Are we above rubbing this jerk’s nose in it?

Probably a waste of time. With his ego, he probably tells himself that the Catholic high school has lower standards.



  1. KGK says:

    Congrats! An excellent validation of Jake’s flexibility in adapting to the requirements of a new school, Karen’s skills as a home school teacher, and, of course, Jake’s native brilliance! Great start to the New Year!

    P.S. All these brains and he’s cute too!

  2. Stamper in CA says:

    Congrats to Jacob…the urge to send a copy to the public high school principal would be strong with me too. The fact that he did so well in a public school setting after being home schooled speaks to the team effort of the three of you. You all did a great job.

  3. dcr says:


    I would be sorely tempted to send a copy of the report card to that principal. I was sorely tempted to do similarly when my Freshman English teacher begrudgedly recommended me for advanced English, instead of regular English, for my Sophomore year.

  4. Lucie says:
