What Tiger proves

tiggerI say Tiger Woods proves that if a guy can get any woman he wants to sleep with him, he will.

Karen says that the women who slept with him were skanks who were only interested in his money.




  1. Lucie says:

    Power corrupts.

  2. Tricia says:

    I think you’re both right. The only non-wife women he wants to sleep with are skanks who are interested in his money.

  3. Dean says:

    I dunno, there have been lots of men with money and power who didn’t bang every little tart that offered.

    Most men WANT to sleep around, whether we admit it or not. The operative factor is whether you respect your wife enough not to do it. Tiger, evidently, doesn’t. And she, also evidently, has her price.

    As for the skank factor, I’m not so sure. Female attraction to power is a complex thing, and money is power in our society. It may be that some of them were willing to spread for a chance at some stray dough, but I think it likely that at least some of them were genuinely attracted to a good looking man with a hell of a lot of power.

    Fact is, as long as there are men and women who want to get nasty, they’ll do it.

  4. Dean says:

    The Woods situation doesn’t prove anything, in other words.

  5. Mauigirl says:

    A little bit of both I think! There are some guys who don’t give in to that temptation even if they could, but a lot do. And there are women who love being hooked up with a celebrity, not sure if it’s only money or just the notoriety of it.

  6. I don’t think it’s any different than rock stars and groupies. For the rock stars, it’s because they can.

    For the groupies, it’s because they’re attracted to fame and power. Most of all, I think it’s that for the brief, heady moment that they were with the object of their desire, they were the one who was desired.

    It’s got to be a pretty thrilling thing, to be desired by Tiger Woods. I don’t believe it excuses cheating – I just understand the weakness.

  7. Chris says:

    I disagree that they were only interested in his money. I think there are a lot of women out there who are attracted to famous men solely because of their fame (although I can’t, off the top of my head, think of someone famous but poor). It doesn’t hurt that Tiger’s athletic, young and cute, as well as rich and famous. The women who sleep with Donald Trump, now – they’re skanks just interested in his money!

  8. Stamper in CA says:

    I’m inclined to agree with Karen, and it also speaks to what happens when famous, rich athletes can’t keep it in their pants. He did it because he COULD. He’s rich and famous, and he thinks that entitles him to do whatever he wants. His fame went to his head (the little one).
    He has a prenup, but I heard she can still take him to the cleaners, and I hope that is what she’ll do.
    What does his behavior say to the kids he is supposed to be a role model for, the ones in the special school he opened?

  9. Walnut says:

    Sis, it says: Study hard, stay in school, develop phenomenal prowess at a popular sport, and you too can bang everything in sight, but end up paying millions of dollars for the privilege.

  10. kate r says:

    Eh, all it proves to me is that Tiger Woods is more interesting than death and bombs and unemployment. I’d blame those pesky news outlets but that’s disingenuous.

  11. kate r says:

    and we were JUST TALKING about Tracy MacNish the other day on the interwebs, wondering about her, and there she is

  12. Stamper in CA says:

    Well put Doug.

    And sorry those of you who classify Tiger as cute; he’s NOT a good looking guy. Can’t it be that some women just like the idea of being able to say “I banged Tiger Woods”?

  13. Walnut says:

    Sis, you still have the hots for this guy? Looking rather silver foxy these days.

  14. kate r says:

    sis has good taste.