That’s totally what I want to know.

The scary thing is, my son claims this makes sense in context.

Good lord, now I’m hungry for wolf kebab.


1 Comment

  1. Dean says:

    I find the whole Manson thing, from front to back, weird. Weird that a two-bit piece of shit like Manson managed to get people to follow him. Weird that they followed him, weird that they killed people, weird that the whole thing became such a circus.

    But not as weird as the hold that sociopathic little fuck has on the media. They approach him with a twisted reverence as if he were some sort of evil demigod.

    He’s not. He’s a fuckup, as he has been all his life. He wasn’t trying to become a cult figure to the stupid and the gullible, he was trying to start a race war, and he failed completely and got himself thrown into prison, where he will die.

    He’s not insane, either. He’s playing a part. That may be what Jake is referring to… I hope so. I hope he is perceptive enough to see that Manson only has what people will give him, and far too many people give him far too much credence. He isn’t wise or mystical or superintelligent, he’s a modestly talented, modestly intelligent asshole with a gift for manipulation who happened to be in the right place at the right time to gather a few stupid people around him.

    But of such people are modern myths made.