Lifestyle changes

I had my third and final “University” meeting in Pasadena today — the Kize’s attempt to indoctrinate us inculcate the corporate values in its new employees. As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m thoroughly indoctrinated inculcated. But I think they need some work getting their message straight. All well and good to lecture us for 30 minutes on the merits of exercise, how important it is to “live the Thrive message” and set a good example for our patients . . . but then they serve us cookies and quiche cups and coconut shrimp and egg rolls?

Don’t get me wrong — the food rawked. I ate my fill. And now I’m way too bloated to participate in the Kize’s triathlon.



  1. Dean says:

    Wonder what the kize triathlon looks like. Stage 1: run down to billing four times while juggling 80 lbs of forms. Stage 2: … oh, hell, I don’t know enough about medicine to make a funny Kize triathlon, but Stage 3 would be driving the Mercedes to Palm Springs. Palm Springs is expensive, isn’t it?

    Ok, I must herewith acknowledge that my Kize triathlon comment has been a complete failure.

  2. Walnut says:

    It was a real triathlon. They showed us video, including one old Jewish doc talking about how he’d never thought he had it in him, and how this had been the experience of a lifetime.

    For me, it would be the experience of a lifetime . . . the last experience, since I would drown.

  3. Pat J says:

    Perhaps the food was a final test…

    Are you paranoid now?

  4. Walnut says:

    When was I ever not?