
We left Vegas at 10:10 AM, pulled into Bako at 5:40 PM. ‘Nuff said, but . . . re: driving to Vegas on holiday weekends? Never again. Next time, we fly. Better yet, we figure out how to visit the folks on non-holiday weekends.

How did you spend your holiday weekend? Hollywood icon Kirk Douglas, now 92 years young, spent it with his wife serving dinner to the homeless of Los Angeles. Story and picture here. All the best to the both of them.

More to come, but not tonight. I’m wiped.



  1. The weekend itself? Unboxing… we moved back into our mostly remodlled house last weekend. Thanksgiving itself, however, we spent here. And yes, there was good turkey to be had.

  2. Walnut says:

    You remodeled the place we visited? What did you change?

    The Lodge looks neat, ps 🙂

  3. We’ve pretty much doubled the size of the kitchen – I don’t know if you remember the layout or not, but that little useless nook that jutted out onto the deck is gone. We basically extended the side walls of the house out to the depth of the nook and walled across the back, which gave us a separate scullery area and a walk-in pantry without sacrificing much of the deck. We have an island with a sink/prep area under the skylight, and we still have French doors out to the back deck.

    We put in all new appliances: double ovens, a 5-burner gas cooktop, new dishwasher & fridge. The cabinets are all custom cherry, and the countertop is a locally-made aggregate composed of dyed concrete, resin, fly ash, recycled bottle glass, and crushed oyster shells.

    It’s purty. Surprisingly, it’s also been somewhat of a psychic adjustment moving back in – I’ve never thought of myself as the kind of person who can afford that kind of kitchen…

    Oh, and we’re putting a small master suite under the deck. That garage was pretty much useless.

  4. Walnut says:

    Sounds great. I can say that as someone who no longer needs to worry about remodeling. Of course I shouldn’t speak so soon, since we’ve been talking about remodeling the guest bedroom to turn it into a library . . . but that’s nowhere near the same scale as a kitchen remodel (moving walls, no less!) congratulations!

  5. Stamper in CA says:

    That is exactly why I don’t drive/fly on that weekend. It is the worst holiday of the year to travel. The only way around it is to come in early and leave early. Might not have been so bad had you left on Saturday.

  6. Walnut says:

    One of the gals at work said she left Vegas Sunday morning at 7:00, and it only took her 5 hours to get home. Not bad. I do wonder what the airports would have been like.