By popular request

Coming soon, to a womb near you.

Gimme some time to compose my thoughts. I’m frazzled from the move, from work, from lack of sleep.

Oh. Still need to pack the kid his lunch.



  1. noxcat says:

    I wish that woman would cross her legs once in a while.

  2. kate r says:

    I think it’s kind of cool that the only two comments you got on your life-changing post (hey, moving is very life changing) were a couple of readers panicking because they need you back for the duggars.

  3. Kris Starr says:

    That just makes my uterus ache.

    And not in a good way.

    Congrats on the new abode!

  4. driver says:

    LOL! I thought of you when I read the news. What is it 20 kids now?

  5. Walnut says:

    noxcat: Are you still playing WoW, by the way? I haven’t played in at least a couple of years. I miss it, actually. Some of those areas, I have memories of them as if they were real places.

    Kate: the sad thing is, I think I ran out of Duggary snark around kid #17. I should have had a post when their oldest son (the one that likes show tunes) got married and made Mama Duggar a grandma, but I just didn’t have it in me. Closeted homosexuals make me sad.

    Kris: thanks. We’re unpacking oh so slowly, but the rooms are gradually taking shape.

    Driver: 19. I figure she has at least another five or six to go.

  6. Dean says:

    I figure she has at least another five or six to go.

    Before her uterus packs its bags and fucks off for Mexico in disgust, you mean?

    Before it rebels and, forming a muscular (stretched, but still muscular) ball and reaches down through Michelle’s vag and punches Jim-Joe-Bob in the balls whenever he gets close?

    Before it starts creeping out at night and leaving TEH BIBLE open at the passages about Onan and hinting that gee, Onan wasn’t so bad?