Of asspulls and diaboli

So the local high school is making our son jump through hoops in order to be placed in junior level math (math analysis – trigonometry) as a freshman. Score 86 or better on this test, they tell him. Then it’s score 80 or better on this test. Sorry, you got a 78, which is close but no cigar. But we’ll let you re-take the test . . . but now you have to score a 90 or better!

From the website TV Tropes, this “score 90 or better” business is known as an asspull:

An Ass Pull is a moment when the writers pull something out of thin air in a less-than-graceful narrative development, violating the Law Of Conservation Of Detail by dropping a plot-critical detail in the middle, or near the end of their narrative without Foreshadowing or dropping a Chekhov’s Gun earlier on. [Hyperlinked text back at the TV Tropes website.]

And what the Principal pulled with his “score 90 or better” bit was a special type of asspull, the feared Diabolus Ex Machina:

Enter: Diabolus Ex Machina, the Evil Twin of Deus Ex Machina — a last-second twist designed to ensure, if not a Downer Ending, then certainly an extension in the villain’s favor. Drop a bridge on the hero’s girlfriend, Shoot The Shaggy Dog, and whip up a good pot of Deus Angst Machina with a side-order of Outer Limits- or Twilight Zone Twist. Do whatever it takes, as long as you make absolutely sure that everyone goes home depressed. [Once again, hyperlinked text back at the TV Tropes website.]

Needless to say, things are gloomy at Chez Walnut. Oh, my friends, it’s a crapsack world.
