C Street name-a-thon

Over at Daily Kos, they’re having a name-a-thon for the C-Street house which serves as base-of-operations for the uber creepy Christian cult, The Family, host of John Ensign, Mark Sanford, and heaven only knows how many other Republican miscreants. My favorite new name for The Family’s C-Street abode: The Elephants’ Boneyard (kudos to DKos user ceratotherium). There are other good ones, but I won’t spoil the fun of the search for you.

It’s satisfying to watch The Family wallow in all of this bad press. Ever since I read Jeff Sharlet’s essay for Harper’s, “Jesus Plus Nothing” (accessible online), I’ve worried about these flakes.

Elephants’ Boneyard . . . snicker.



  1. Chris says:

    Wow. Those guys are scary. Seriously scary.

  2. Walnut says:

    You must have read Jeff Sharlet’s essay. Add to that the rampant spread of evangelism in the military, and you have one dangerous situation.