Necessity is the mother of garbage

We’re staying in temporary housing while we wait for this house deal to go through escrow. It’s a good-sized apartment, about 1000 square feet, with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room/dining room, kitchen with a gas range and granite counter tops, and a washer and dryer. Oh, and it’s furnished, too! Everything we could ask for (and now, with INTERNET!)

But the kitchen is a bit lean. I had to buy a cutting board today, and I have so far resisted the temptation to buy a decent butcher knife since we own two (at least) (but they’re both packed). I’ve had to restock the kitchen with staples, which I never seem to do in a logical fashion.

So . . . I wanted to make that rhubarb crisp dessert I told you about the other week (click on the food category if you missed it), this time with peaches and nectarines and rhubarb. But I forgot that I needed corn starch. Worse, the recipe calls for flour, and I only had oatmeal. And matzo meal. So I used matzo meal instead of flour*, and I left out the corn starch; I reduced the water to 1/2 cup and crossed my fingers.

I had the usual thought at this point. Maybe I’ve discovered a new recipe! Maybe everyone will talk about my amazing matzo meal fruit crisp!

I took the first taste, and I didn’t think it was bad at all. Nothing incredible. Not a recipe that will go viral. So I gave some to Karen and Jake, and soon realized that I had failed to take into account The Matzo Effect: if you’re Jewish, everything tastes better with matzo. That’s just the way it is. But it only works if you’re Jewish.

Two big fehs from Karen and Jake. They both tasted a spoonful, and both had strawberry ice cream for dessert.

I can’t quite bring myself to throw it out. I like it, but I shouldn’t eat this stuff — I’m kind of dieting. And exercising. But I’m still fat. Fat! FAT.



*Turns out I had indeed bought flour, but put it in the freezer to keep it fresh . . . and then forgot about it. I’d outsmarted myself.


  1. noxcat says:

    Diet tip #1 – peaches and nectarines are best as is, as long as they are actually ripe.

  2. Walnut says:

    True, but I also need to cook for the wife & son, who are not dieting. If we were all overweight, it would make cooking much simpler.

  3. kate r says:

    I’m getting fat again too. Lost a lot of weight and it’s all creeping back on with so little effort. It’s all because the gym closed down.

    Since I can’t inspire my lazy ass, let me try bellowing at you. Come on! Run, doug, RUN Or at least walk.

  4. driver says:

    I love it when I outsmart myself which is often.

    May I ask why you are closing the comments so quickly, Dr. Walnut. I am always late getting around and by the time I am ready to comment, BOOM – closed to me, the slow one. Is this some hacker phobia?

  5. Walnut says:

    Kate: oh, I’m working at it. Pretty hard, actually. But it’s not peeling off as quickly as it has in the past.

    Driver: yes, it’s the hacker issue. I’ll try expanding it to a longer time before lockout, but I want to back everything up first. Which means probably nothing will change until this weekend.