I have done the deed, so the deed is done

Pop-up that appeared when I tried to sign my new contract:

Please confirm that you agree to the contract and that your signed name is Baculum P. Walnut. By clicking on OK, you will have signed the contract. Once you have signed the contract, the contract is signed. Click on Cancel to stop this process.

Betcha didn’t know my first name was “Baculum.”



  1. shaina says:

    i learned how to do the passive tense in hebrew today. so if i knew the words for “contract” and “to sign”, i could translate that pop-up into hebrew!
    as the israelis would say: ×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—×—!
    (that’s their way of writing hahahahahahaaaa)

  2. Dean says:

    Pop up Hebrew.. now there’s an Ipod app that’s just waiting to take over the world.

  3. Chris says:

    “Once you have signed the contract, the contract is signed.”

    Nice of them to clarify that for you. I’ve always wondered what happened once you signed a contract, and now I know.

  4. kate r says:

    sign sign sign sign SIGN!
    phew and YAY!