Seven things to look forward to in the Big Bake

I might as well start getting psyched up for it, right?

1. Worst air pollution in the country (for particulates). What does not kill us makes us stronger. So if the Bake’s air doesn’t kill us, we are going to be amazing.

2. We’ll be only two hours away from Angeleno food. I’m looking forward to eating, once again, the best Chinese food in the world. Period. Chinese people fly from China just to eat this food. And no one makes Mexican food like the people of Los Angeles.

3. Old friends. Thank Facebook for that — I’m starting to hook up with a lot of people I haven’t heard from in 30 years or more. Lots of ’em still live in L.A. One writes an LA blog.

4. My sister lives down there, too.


She’s grown up since then.

5. A big house. Cheap real estate in Bakersfield, don’t ya know, and we’ll be buying into the low (or near-low) of a buyer’s market. I won’t surprised if we can have a whopping huge guest room, one of those “mother-in-law” thingies. Hint, hint. What, not obvious enough? COME VISIT!

6. Financial security. Yes, this is a long-term thing. I mean, I have to put in my time, right? I’m not gonna be instantly secure all at once, RIGHT? But at least now I’ll be on the road to a secure future. Not like in Crescent City, where we were treading water most every year.

7. Familiar turf. Being the only ENT for a particular population is comfortable territory for me. (Yes, there are other ENTs in Bakersfield, but I’ll pretty much be the only one for the Kize.) There are certain advantages and disadvantages to that situation, and while it’s a mixed bag, it’s something I know very well.

Yeah, I was kind of hoping for a Thirteen, but I’m fading fast. Seven down, six to go.



  1. Microsoar says:

    OK, I googled it and am none the wiser.
    What is the “Kize”?

  2. shaina says:

    So you haven’t mentioned a time-frame, amirite? If all goes well, i will be in Malibu Dec 21-23 for a reunion/convention thingy, will you be in Bakersfield then? because if so maybe i can figure out a way to meet you guys finally! Details are very far from being set, but if i have my way i’ll spend Christmas with my fam in Hillsborough, near San Fran…Whaddaya think?

  3. Anduin says:

    I’m so happy that you’ve found a place to settle in to.

  4. @Microsaur: ‘Kize’ is more than likely ‘Kaiser Permanente’

  5. Stamper in CA says:

    Well, you couldn’t come up with 13, but you’ve got some good ones on there, and you chose my favorite picture of myself. I could have won one of those Little Miss Beauty Pageants, doncha think?

  6. Walnut says:

    Microsoar: what ps said.

    Shaina: yup, should work. But please try to make Bakersfield a stopping point on the way to something FUN, okay?

    Anduin: thanks, sweetie.

    Sis: Absolutely.