
What would I do without my son to turn me on to strokes of genius like Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog? From Joss Whedon (you know — Buffy, Firefly). It starts here.



  1. Carrie Lofty says:

    Proof you no longer stop by my place. I had this months ago!! Now go look up Nathan Fillion in PG-Porn on Funny or Die.

  2. tambo says:

    I saw it, gawd, last summer/fall some time. You are so behind the program!
    Neil Patrick Harris is freaking AWESOME, btw!

  3. Walnut says:

    Carrie, don’t feel bad — I’ve been terrible at visiting EVERYONE. It’s called 3 hours commute per day . . .

    Tam, jeez, I didn’t even realize that was Neil Patrick Harris. I thought he looked awfully familiar!

  4. fiveandfour says:

    It’s been working in the reverse in my household (or actually, not): I’ve been trying since Dr. Horrible came out to get my daughter to watch it, and she won’t. And she loves Joss Whedon’s stuff, too. Grrr, kids!