Progress of sorts

Folks are calling my references. That’s gotta be a good sign, right? With any luck, I’ll soon have two interviews lined up down south, two more up north (one in Portland, one in Olympia).

Keeps yer toes crossed for us . . .



  1. Dean says:

    Yah, that’s a good sign. Reference checking is good.

  2. Pat J says:

    I second that reference checking is good. And good luck to you!

  3. Walnut says:

    Olympia passed. I had interviewed there once before — it’s a long and boring story involving a stop-sign-running religious conservative whack job and yours truly — and I suspect my negativism spilled over into other interviews that day. Now the whack job is out of the picture but the hospital is still hiring. But not me.

    On the upside, Southern Cal will be flying me down in early April (two interviews).

  4. Calling references is far better than not calling references. Good luck.

  5. Walnut says:

    Thanks 😉