And this is fun why?

Okay, I’m twitting now. My handle is Azureus9, if you want to follow my twits.

Why am I doing this?




  1. dcr says:


    Now you need to build a following, and then you can use that to get traffic to your blog, and vice versa.

    You’ll get to meet a lot of new people. Tons of people you probably would never have met through blogging alone.

  2. jmc says:

    I’ve been contemplating signing up to Twitter. Quicker, easier than blogging. But then it might just be another thing I had to do. Plus, I worry about the TMI factor — I filter most of the TMI stuff out of the blog — type and then delete. With the tweets, I can see myself sharing WAY TOO MUCH with people.

    Lots of people love it, though.

  3. Walnut says:

    Dan: How on earth will I build a following? How will people find my twits?

    jmc: yeah, like twitting from the bathroom . . .

  4. Claire says:

    Strange people recommend you, stranger people then follow you and somehow end up on a blog with frogs having sex, wondering how they got here?


    ps: I am @crpitt

  5. dcr says:

    Follow people you find interesting.

    Tweet interesting stuff that people will retweet.

    And, I got you a new follower already, Olga the Traveling Bra. 😉

  6. dcr says:

    Oh, and you’re “tweeting” now. “Twitting” makes you sound like a newbie. 😉

  7. Jaffer says:

    DCR told me to follow you.

    Nice place you have here.

  8. Walnut says:

    I like “twitting,” because it more accurately describes how I feel. I don’t feel like a Tweet, you understand.

  9. jmc says:

    You joke about tweeting from the bathroom, but there are two colleagues of mine who carry on cell phone conversations via Blackberry and/or type emails while in the bathroom. Ick! And also, jeez, is it so urgent that you can’t pee without your BB?

  10. tambo says:

    Because you love attention? :p

    I’m not gonna tweet. I have too many distractions already.

  11. noxcat says:

    …because your Muse is slumbering and twittering doesn’t require writing skills?

    I want more communication than an be conveyed in a twitter.

  12. Walnut says:

    jmc: reminds me of the photo making its rounds on the net, of the sexy young thang taking a cell phone picture of herself in the bathroom. Too bad she forgot to flush . . .

    tam: that’s right. You need to FINISH. I want those chapters.

    nox: what do you mean, no skills? Think I’ll write a Twitter short story.

  13. dcr says:

    You’ll be amazed how Twitter can actually help you with your writing skills. You learn to be concise!

    I’d like to see you tweet a short story. Someone else started doing that, but apparently quit after half a dozen tweets, if that many.

  14. Lyvvie says:

    I’ll add you, but don’t expect me to be very active. I have too many public forums that demand my presence. ;P

  15. Dean says:

    Well, Twitter isn’t for me. I signed up way back, probably 2 years ago now, and I just couldn’t see the point. For me, I mean. Because I don’t think that anyone is actually interested in what I’m doing right now.

    I think that’s why I stuck with blogging. I’ve had one since before it was called ‘blogging’. True blogging, I think, is about what you think, not about what you are doing and what you have and where you are. Or at least good blogging is.

    Ya, so Twitter’s not for me. Besides, I bust out laughing whenever someone calls one of those twitter feedlets a ‘tweet’.

  16. follow me rawdawgbuffalo

  17. shaina says:

    because you’re AWESOME. 😀

  18. Walnut says:

    oh, so very many different opinions . . .

    Seems like many folks actually live there. They’re using it as some sort of chat room. Isn’t that what Facebook chat is for?

  19. Mauigirl says:

    I signed up for Twitter but don’t quite have the hang of it. Now I’m also on Facebook and I seem to get that a little bit more. I think if I have to choose one or the other Facebook is more fun.

    But mostly I prefer the blog world – I prefer reading other people’s opinions, ideas and stories, not just random chatting.

  20. Microsoar says:

    Given the general definition of “twit”, one asks oneself, “Who’s taking the mickey here?”.

  21. Mauigirl says:

    I tried Twitter but didn’t get the hang of it – now I tried Facebook and got addicted!

  22. Blue Gal says:

    twitterfeed will post a tweet everytime you post to your blog so you don’t have to. Worth doing, imho.

    Lots of people going apeshit over Facebook’s terms of service which say they own all content even if you publish your blog post on their site it’s theirs. Be careful over there. No such thing at Twitter that I know of.

  23. Walnut says:

    Thanks, BG!

    I’m still not getting Twitter. Why are these strangers following me? And do I need a restraining order?