25 things about you

Memed thanks to Kate.

1. You just found out that Babe the Blue Ox should not have balls.

2. You’re beginning to think that “Change We Can Believe In” are the pennies Obama receives when he goes begging for Republican votes.

3. You miss Mars Bars.

4. You’re a grandchild of the Great Depression.

5. You went to school with 27 Jennifers.

6. Those kids on milk cartons? You’re running out of places to bury them.

7. You’ve spent your life trying to devise a novel perversion, and you’re really, really pissed that someone else thought of symphorophilia before you did.

8. You wish you could live on pecan pie and whipped cream.

9. You ran over a wild rabbit last week. You didn’t mean to; he bolted, you never had time to brake. You spent the rest of the day wondering how you could wipe your karma clean.

10. You secretly admire Rod Blagojevitch’s moxie.

11. You have, on more than one occasion, worn your dirty undies inside out and called them clean. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.

12. When you’re really tired, the number 12 looks an awful lot like the number 25.

To be continued.



  1. kate r says:

    I like your 25 and 12 does look a like me. Yup.

  2. dcr says:

    I’m just hoping the future #13 (or #25, whatever) will be your Twitter ID. 😉