Your morning dose of cool

In the process of answering the question, “How ancient are squid?” Karen and I found the Tree of Life Project. This site aims to provide information (and images) on Every. Life. Form. Even questionable life forms, like viruses, which are truly bizarre things when you get right down to it.

I’m always interested in the weird stuff, so I was happy to see one good article on the Archaea and some good links on Placozoa (the guys who fight with sponges over the title of Most Primitive Animal). And oooooooh aren’t water bears so cuuuuute I jus’ wanna snuggle uppawumpums oh who’s a naughty tardigrade you are!


And now for something completely different: our latest timesink at Chez Walnut, 5 Second Movies by That Guy With The Glasses. Many sparkling nuggets here, but we particularly like The Godfather, Fargo, and Brokeback Mountain. Enjoy.

So . . . where have you been wasting your time lately?



  1. shaina says:

    i like the brokeback one cuz, um, well, gaysecksishot. :-))))

    hi 🙂

  2. Walnut says:

    So how’s my little sabra doing?

  3. crystal says:

    I like that website too. They have a neat entry on the vampire squid 🙂

  4. Walnut says:

    Yeah, we saw that bit on the vampire squid, too! I wonder why they call it that? Funny lookin critter.

  5. Pat J says:

    Go to Youtube, search for “songsmith”, and enjoy.

  6. Walnut says:

    Yeah, this was funny.