I am curious PLATFORM

Just a quick question: is this theme formatted well on your browser? Internet Explorer screws it up — it shunts the right sidebar down to the bottom. How’s it looking on Macs, Opera, and so forth?



  1. Dean says:

    It looks fine on FireFox.

    Looks fine on Google Chrome.

    Doesn’t look fine on IE.

    Looks fine on Safari.

    Don’t ask why I have 4 browsers installed.

  2. Walnut says:

    Because you’re seeing how your SQL (or whatever) works on different browsers?

    Eh, what do I know 🙂

  3. Lucie says:

    I use IE and Safari. It looks about the same on both, but on IE the tail of the right sidebar is a lot longer than on Safari. BTW for all IE users, Safari sort of installed itself on my computer while syncing my iPhone and I LUV IT. IE folks should try it. It takes a little bit longer to load when you open it up initially, but it is soooooo much faster than IE!!!!!!!

  4. It looks fine in IE7. A little rougher towards the bottom of the sidebar than Firefox 2, but not bad. I can check FF 3 from my laptop later, but it’s probably fine. Yes, I also have too many browsers installed on my computers.

    So far I’ve resisted installing Safari. Apple really pissed me off when they tried to slip that in there with iTunes, implying it was part of the upgrade. Grrr. Not cool.

  5. Lucie says:

    Just checked and I have IE7 and Windows XP 2002 (have resisted Vista) and with this platform Safari leaves IE7 in the dust.

  6. dcr says:

    Looks fine in Safari.

    If you want to see how a site looks in different browsers, try browsershots.org. It’s not always 100% reliable, but it gives you a good idea of what your site looks like in other browsers.

  7. Walnut says:

    Seems like SOMEONE has been busy at trousershorts.org:

    There were already 60 screenshot requests for this website today. Please try again later.

    Thanks a LOT, Dan 🙂

  8. TauRaven says:

    My IE work fine with your format, I tend to avoid “flash in the pan browsers”.sorry.
    Peace TR

  9. tambo says:

    I’m on a Mac and I use Netscape. It seems to look fine to me.

  10. dcr says:

    Sorry… Here’s the direct link: http://browsershots.org/http://ballsandwalnuts.com/

    Looks like most of the requests expired.

  11. Walnut says:

    Thanks, folks!

  12. Walnut says:

    This blows: I still can’t get into my admin panel. Can’t even get in to change the theme, in case it’s a theme screwup!