
If anyone has been emailing me at my azureus account, I’ve been down the last 48 hours. Literally down. More on that below.

So TWICE in the last few days, I’ve heard stories about our president attending “an ecumenical prayer service with Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu religious leaders.” Notice what’s missing?


Yeah! That’s right — the big guy, Siddhārtha, Guatama Buddha! Why is President Obama dissing the Buddhists?

Anyway. Night before last, I had pizza for dinner, and then I was up for the rest of the night. I assumed it was my usual gastric woe, although that particular woe doesn’t typically involve dry heaves. By morning, I was feeling pretty crappy, but I went into work anyway. This was not entirely insane. I thought of all the times I’ve woken up feeling sick, only to feel fine an hour or two later. And I’ve had sleepless nights before.

The shaking chills on the drive in should have tipped me off. That, and my eyes crossing. I made it into work, began rehydrating, and hit the pharmacy for some Imodium as soon as they opened. Then my skin started hurting, and my scalp, and my back, and then there was the fever . . .

I survived the day, but I knew I’d never make it home in one piece. When you’re feeling like road kill, all you want is a warm, clean room, no frills, so I went to the local Motel 6. I’ll probably go back — they even have WiFi (not that I was in any condition to blog). They don’t have MSNBC on their cable package, and I had to beg prettily for an extra pillow and blanket, but overall it was a fine experience. I crashed at 8:30 and slept (more or less) until 7:30.

So I’m back. And I’m hoping Karen won’t want to stay up too late tonight, because I’m still exhausted.

But I’m not done blogging yet. Have you visited my new health blog yet? Yeah, yeah, I know — no pretty pictures. (Time to fix that.) As we used to say in junior high, “Booooooring!”



  1. KGK says:

    Jains? B’hais? Mormons? Wiccans? Scientologists? Christian Scientists? Orthodox? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Seventh Day Adventists? Constructivists? Animists? Buddhists? Shintoists? Voudons? Duggars?

  2. KGK says:

    OK, so I posted my comment before the rest of your post came up with the photo of Buddha. But still what about the Wiccans? Animists? Seems rather less ecumenical that it could have been…

    By the way, let me take this opportunity (yes, I know I should get my own blog) to object to our newly crowned Secretary of State closing her speech to the State Department staff with “God Bless You”. I don’t object to being blessed by someone with the authority to do so (and as far as I know Madame is not an ordained minister), but I do object to elected officials using it in the course of their duties.

    And to continue my rant – her speech including the inspirational remark about the stool of foreign policy. Stools are what you sit on when you don’t get a chair at the table or are what people put their feet on. Then she refers to the three legs of the stool – defense, diplomacy, and development. Now I don’t disagree that those are the three pillars of foreign policy, but I think that it was rather tone deaf to list defense first in her initial speech to State Department staff. What would it have hurt to list diplomacy first?

    Sorry for the rant!

  3. Kate R says:

    he dissed pastafarians too. Time to stage a FSM eat-in.

    In other news: I’m having trouble keeping up with you and your blogs.

  4. Kate R says:

    and I miss the fucking frogs.

  5. Walnut says:

    Kira: I believed someone sneezed right before Hillary ended her speech. yeah, that was it. And if you ever want to start blogging (and OMFG do you have stuff to write about!) let me know, and I can tell you how to set up an anonymous blog which won’t be readily traced to you. You’d have to avoid blogging at work, of course, and you’d have to be very careful what details you revealed. Folks have lost jobs over this sort of thing, after all.

    Kate: I miss the fucking frogs, too. We’re working on it. I’ll send you an email.