The Big Book of Sleep

Chapters I’m looking forward to:

6. Chronic Sleep Deprivation. We always like reading about ourselves.

7. Phylogeny of Sleep Regulation.
Phylogeny . . . might that be code for evolution?

21. Host Defense.
I’m hoping this chapter will explain why sleep isn’t horribly maladaptive.

25. Neural Mechanisms of Sleep-Related Penile Erections. We always like reading about . . . oh, yeah, I said that already.

47. Why We Dream, the last of seven chapters all about dreams. And that’s not even counting the section on parasomnias!

55. Sleep Disruption in Jet Lag and Other Circadian Rhythm-Related Disorders
, which will likely be of great practical use.

77. Nightmares and Other Common Dream Disturbances (from the section on parasomnias).

80. Violent Parasomnias: Forensic Medicine Issues. I couldn’t have done it! I was asleep at the time!

Seriously, this book is huge, like nearly 1500 pages huge. If I carry it in to work every day, I may address both my continuing medical education and physical fitness needs.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    My Mom was a violent sleeper. My Dad woke up a few times with black eyes and huge scratches on his body because she would attack him in her sleep. She never remembered any of it. She stopped shortly after I graduated High School and as far as I know she’s never done it since. *shrug* My Dad always said it was because she drank too much wine at night.

    Does it cover dreamgasms?? I mean erections during sleep are well and good, but dreamgasms are weird and neat and don’t require a penis.

  2. shaina says:

    my ex had parasomnia of some sort. he’d sit up, start talking or yelling, would respond to you but be completely resistant to the fact that he was still asleep. it was pretty scary. he apparently did some crazy things in college.

    sounds like an interesting book 🙂

  3. kate r says:

    I spent last night with a version of that joke (ha ha) in which you eat a big marshmallow and when you wake up, your pillow is gone.

    I dreamed I was being suffocated and when I woke up I couldn’t breathe through my nose. Reality was pretty horrible mostly because of the nightmare I emerged from. Woke up thinking They Are Out To Get Me. Also horrible because I felt like crap. Still do. Bah.

  4. Kris Starr says:

    I second Lyvvie. Dreamgasms are fun. Give us any dirt ya find, willya?

  5. Walnut says:

    Re dreamgasms — are they less messy when women have them?

    IIRC, women do get clitoral erections during REM sleep. So there.

    Hope you feel better Kate.

    Shains, sounds like he did some pretty crazy things after college, too 🙂