Xmas Book Giveaway

. . . at PBW’s place, not here. 99% of my books are boxed and in storage. I miss our built-in bookshelves back in Harbor, Oregon. Other people get hard-ons for cars or yachts; I like to have lots and lots of books around me. I miss ’em.


Part of my commute is a stretch of 80 North to the Columbus Parkway, Highway 37. And Highway 37, too . . .

During college, I traveled this road once a week for a few years, doing volunteer work at Napa State Mental Hospital. Debbie (whom I had a brief thing for) & Tracy (a guy shorter than me) & Laura (whom Trace had a serious thing for), we were a team, and you’d think we would have kept in touch but we didn’t. Now I can’t even remember their last names, except for Debbie, and she had a common last name. Debbie Martin. You out there, Debbie? I hope she’s okay. I worried about her back then and she worried about me. That’s what friends do.
