*CONTEST* Dean’s and Dan’s Fiction Challenge *CONTEST*

Dean and Dan planted the idea; and then I remembered the 69er and thought, why not do something similar?

So let’s split the difference between 50 and 100 and make it a 75er.

The prize:

. . . a $20 gift certificate to the online gift certificate-giver of your choice. Yes, $75 would be more appropriate. Yes, I’m too cheap right now to offer a $75 prize. Deal with it 😉 Look at it this way: the vast majority of ezines offer a good deal less than $20 as payment for much longer stories. On a per-word basis, you’re doing pretty damn well.

The rules:

* The story has to be EXACTLY 75 words. I’ll be using Microsoft Word to do the word count, and if you’re over or under, I’ll give you a chance to edit.
* We’ll let this one run until interest peters out.
* We’ll judge it by the old Writers BBS system. Once I close for entries, I’ll ask each of you to vote for the first, second, and third place winners NOT including your own entry. You don’t get to vote for yourself, in other words. I’ll ask you to email me with your vote so that we can avoid the whole ugly voting thread scene (you Writers BBS veterans will remember what I mean).
* You have to play to vote.
* Multiple entries are fine. When folks vote, though, they’ll be voting for a story, not for a writer.
*Post your QUESTIONS in response to this announcement. Tomorrow, I’ll post a submissions thread. Save your stories until then. (Because I know some of y’all could whip one out tonight.)

Oh . . . here’s the best I could do for a one-sentence story:

Rick and Tina had fun with their new kitten the night before, although it was hell getting cat fur off Tina’s negligee.

Told you my muse was on holiday . . .



  1. dcr says:

    Cool. I sent out a tweet about it. Maybe I’ll do a blog post too.

  2. dcr says:

    I’ve hopefully pre-sold some customers for you. 😉

  3. Dean says:

    Leave it to you to throw a twist into it! Exactly 75 words… that’s not going to be easy.

    What about a general topic? Funny? Sci-fi? Porn? 75 word porn would be laughable.

    Muses? Musing? Museums?

    I just need somewhere to start.

  4. Walnut says:

    Dan: thanks.

    Dean: Where to start . . . where to start . . .

    How about 75-word sci fi porn featuring sentient vegetables locked together in a museum at night? And threatened by guard rabbits?

    Kidding, kidding. Fiction. It has to be fiction.

  5. I only write porn for Jer and then it’s called erotic love letters… $20 for 75 words that’s not bad! That’s better then paid posting… I’ll think about it.

  6. teeni says:

    Hmm – this sounds like a nice little challenge. I’m no writer but I think I’d like to take a shot at this. I found you through Dan’s (dcrblogs.com) tweet.

  7. Uh…

    How about 75-word sci fi porn featuring sentient vegetables locked together in a museum at night? And threatened by guard rabbits?

    Kidding, kidding. Fiction. It has to be fiction.

    Sentient vegetables don’t count as fiction?

    Well, okay, I’ll spot you that whole Congress thing… But the rabbits are a whole ‘nuther matter.

  8. shaina says:

    i think i might try this, even though i have a million and a half other things to do. i just have to think of a premise. yeah. hm.

  9. shaina says:

    hey. just saw an interesting ad on tv for this product called earigate which is supposed to safely get ear wax out of your ear. check it out and tell me if you think it’s legit/worth anything: http://murine.com/earigate.htm. tis very intriguing.

  10. Walnut says:

    Welcome, new people!

    Shaina, the Murine kit is fine, provided the person doesn’t have a perforated ear drum. Such kits also run the risk of converting a partial impaction to a complete impaction, which is why they’re better for routine maintenance than for handling an established impaction.

  11. dcr says:

    MichelleGartner wrote:
    I only write porn for Jer and then it’s called erotic love letters… $20 for 75 words that’s not bad!

    OMG, Michelle. Jer pays you for erotic love letters!? That’s just sad.

  12. Dean says:

    Wow, some damn good ones already. This is going to be a tough challenge.

  13. pete says:

    I’ve got nothing. Blame Dan for my lame comment.

    You said “impaction” three times in one comment. That rules!