Live Blogging Bistro 110

I swear I chose this place at random . . . Here not two minutes and I’m sure this is the place we came to 12 years ago after our Boards. The roasted garlic is the giveaway. Most places overdo it and the garlic is burnt, nasty. Here, they get it right. The garlic is pale straw, mellow flavored, soft as warm brie.

So far, so good.

Here’s what I’m drinking: a French 75, which is Hendrick’s gin, simple syrup, lemon juice, twist of lemon, splash of champagne. Purists will note that Hendrick’s is supposed to be served with a slice of cucunber. But who cares, it’s good.

Funky pop euro music here. I like it.

Here’s what I ordered:

Confit de Canard pommes roties aux champignons, sauce Bordelaise a Phuile de truffes: Roasted duck confit leg with wild mushroom and potato ragout, Bordelaise sauce finished with truffle oil. Side of Angel Hair Onions.

Wine: Irony, a Monterey county Pinot Noir.

Time to eat.

(Here’s the photo from my cell phone. Can’t see much, eh?)

I’m back. Yup, this is bistro food: bold flavors, huge portions. My Irony isn’t standing up to the confit, but aside from that, I’m doing fine, thanks. Stuffed to the vallecula, in fact, so I dare not risk dessert.

Have to walk off the alcohol now.

I wish my family were with me, or my friends, or ideally both; but aside from that, this has been a great meal.


Back at the hotel now, and for once I got here without getting lost. Quite proud of that.

I walked a few blocks down Michigan, checked out the Apple store (where I logged on to Balls & Walnuts to leave a comment on yesterday’s post), decided it would take more hatred of Bill Gates than I presently possess to make me want to pay Apple’s prices for a notebook, kept walking, found some good chockies for Karen, figured by then the alcohol was out of my system and took a cab back to the Convention Center. I’ve learned at last that it’s far cheaper to get around with the hotel shuttles and cabs than to move my car from one parking garage to the other. Did that yesterday, and — OUCH. $36 for parking? Are you shitting me?

I’ve been reading Steve Martin’s memoir and enjoying it. The bit about Disneyland (where he worked for many years and learned his trade as a teenager) is fascinating. The Disneyland I knew had none of this color . . . I suspect Walt must have gotten wind and beat it out of the place. Or maybe I hung out at all the wrong places.

See ya tomorrow . . .



  1. Wine: Irony, a Monterey county Pinot Noir.

    Chicago being known for its Pinot Noir… 🙂

  2. Walnut says:

    I’m assuming they mean Monterey in California 🙂

  3. Balls says:

    You really should re-read your previous post. You know, the one about your dissatisfaction with your life.

  4. kate r says:

    why chicago again? is it a conference with a cool name at least?

  5. not trufles LOL
    u getting soft bruh

  6. Walnut says:

    Kate; just a coincidence, I’m sure.

    RDB, when it comes to food, I’m nothing but soft.