Oh, but I will say this —

It’s all in the delivery.

Here’s my proof to Jake. Earlier, I took a break from my Word Twist duel with Lyvvie to put my forehead down on my keyboard’s wrist-rest. Jake said — well, you’ll see.

Tonight’s exchange, transcribed, lacks humor:

Jake: You look tired.

Me: You think so?

Jake: Yes. I can tell.

. . . but trust me, he was funny. Funny as his old man. It’s all in the delivery.

In Sophomore English, we broke up into groups and each group took on a different Shakespeare play. My group had Hamlet. At the end of four weeks (or something like that), each group chose a spokesperson to explain their chosen play to the rest of the class. That’s how I was placed in the enviable position of summarizing the Dopey Dane to a roomful of 10th graders.

By the time Ophelia killed herself, everyone was laughing.

It’s all in the delivery.



  1. john browne says:

    see http://www.TheGenuineSarahPalin.com and read what Alaskans say about this scary person and spread the word.
    she could be our president!

  2. Stamper in CA says:

    I wish I’d been there to hear it; I’m sure Cheryl Sylanski loved it (Sure wish I could fine out where she is).

  3. Walnut says:

    She’s teaching in Seattle. Scroll down . . . it’s alphabetical . . . and there’s even a phone number.

    Really, Sis, you need to learn to use Teh Google 🙂