Anonymity? What anonymity?

I’m starting to think that linking to Balls and Walnuts wasn’t such a hot idea.

My boss has seen this blog, and the woman who has his ear reads me regularly and leaves comments. I met with the local hospital’s Chief of Staff this morning, and he recognized me thanks to that most recent pic I posted. (He didn’t like the pic, either. “You need a livelier background.”)

I didn’t mind when my patients began reading my blog; they gave me positive reviews, most of them, and in any case there’s a limit to how much grief one patient can dish out. Actually, now that I think about it, NONE of them ever gave me any grief. I did get one pan on the magnum opus video, though. One of the maintenance guys back at St. Mammon Community Hospital saw it and, well, let’s just say I suspect he thinks Walt Disney’s animated movies went too far. He’s still giving poor Leann and Catrina dirty looks.

I miss my anonymity. I miss not being able to let it all hang out in this blog. I haven’t lost the desire to blog — far from it. It’s just that I have the urge to . . . well, you know how in movies when a driver is trying to lose the car that’s following him, and he pulls a really dangerous 180 tying up all the traffic and maybe causing a few cars to crash but ultimately losing the person who’s following him? Yeah. That’s what I’m after.

I would need a new blog name, of course.

I’m thinking “Nads and Almonds.”



  1. Dean says:

    I went from being anonymous to not.

    It’s a difficult line, I think. A blog is kinda like a personal journal, but not. You’re telling an unknown group of people things. It’s an intimate monologue that anyone can tap.

    Some people make the let-it-all-hang-out personal blog work for them. I don’t think it would work for me.

    So what am I saying? Hell, I don’t know. I don’t know whether anonymous is better or not.

  2. LindaM1957 says:

    I understand. I am going to school online (at 50 I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grow up!) We have discussion threads and we can post “off topic” so we are able to “share” our work problems (OK we bitch!!) and problem solve. It is like a cathartic. It has helped me so much personally that I gave notice at my job Monday to cut down to one day a week at the local school clinic. I am sick and tired of being used (working usually 7 days a week in a 3 day a week job!). Sorry I have digressed…..
    I really enjoy the anonymity. It allows me to be me without worrying about what others think or even caring!
    OK you got three cents here instead of two 🙂

  3. tambo says:

    I have several blogs, most no one that I know online or in person knows about. Why? So that I can vent with impunity. I do my best to keep tamboblog ‘nice’ and tambowrites at least decent if a bit more relaxed, but some of the others I get downright nasty.

    You’re a professional person in a career where reputation means a lot. Some folks can take your humor and content with a laugh and a shrug, some will get offended, that’s the price any blog pays. Only you can decide if it’s a risk you’re willing to take here.


  4. dcr says:

    One must wonder how many people are coming here, thinking to themselves, “OMG! That’s my doctor!” And maybe not in a good way either. Are you in a blue or red county now?

    Looks like you are in a blue county. So, they’ll probably like you.

    And, if they don’t, you could always write eBooks on earconology. 😉

  5. Catrina says:

    I want to know what the hell was wrong with the picture? It was one of your better ones (no beaver teeth)!

  6. Walnut says:

    And NOW I have BEAVER TEETH. Great, just great. That’s right everyone, y’all pile on . . .

  7. Leann says:

    This kind of crossed my mind when you left, but… At the last conference I attended (yeah, I know, mind boggling) one of the recommendations was to Google all applicants. However, there are going to be those patients/partners/Medical Staff Coordinators who see Ballsandwalnuts and say, “Yeah, that’s MY kind of DOCTOR!” If it doesn’t work out, COME HOME! Unfortunately for us, it’ll work out just fine.

  8. SBH says:

    Hey, I *like* your blog. I wish I was this creative. I find it entertaining, and fun to read after a stressful day. As long as you don’t post anything that is going to cause me to need to defend you in court, I am a happy camper.

  9. Walnut says:

    Ah, but you have to admit . . . makes it difficult to vent about work 🙂