Personality v. Experience

No, not a post about Palin v. Biden. What were you thinking? We’re talking about me. That’s what this blog is about, after all. Me me me.

Here’s the issue. The getting-to-know-me page over at looks like this. Karen wants to nix the photo and replace it with, say, something like this.

“No one wants to think their doctor is a seventeen-year-old boy,” Karen says. Even Doogie Howser was in his twenties, right? But I like that old photo. As I was telling our audiologist today, that’s my mind’s picture of me, not the dude you see above.

Not only that, but I think the photo of the little pisher is amusing. It has personality. It’s fun. And as I told one of my patients last week, “I’d rather be a bit unprofessional and have fun than be professional and boring.” I had been joking around with her about something or another, and she seemed to be enjoying The Wonder of Me, so I wasn’t too surprised when she agreed with me.

I can be irrepressible at times. This isn’t always a desirable quality for someone in such a grimly serious profession.

True story: many years ago, a woman came to see me for a wart inside her nostril. When I told her it was a wart, she said, “A WART? How the hell did I get a WART up my NOSE?”

I didn’t even think before answering.

“Oh, I don’t know . . . where have you been putting it?”

Fortunately for me, she laughed, and the State Medical Board was none the wiser.



  1. Anduin says:

    I think your page shows that you have a great sense of humor which is cool for a doctor to have. Instead of nixing the old pic, couldn’t you just add the new pic? Before and after, then and now. The bear feet was a nice touch.

  2. Dean says:

    That more current pic isn’t a particularly good one, though. You need one that shows your personality a bit more.

  3. dcr says:

    You want higher pagerank and more incoming links, right? You want to be #1 on Google?

    Nix the “I just learned to drive and I’m giving you medical advice” picture!

    Before and after, as Anduin suggested, would be fine. Just make sure people can see you graduated high school and didn’t just buy a earconology certificate at the local Diploma-Mart.

    And, as Dean suggested, a less staid photo might be in order.

  4. Kris Starr says:

    Hey, doc… I sent you an email. Did you get it?

    (And I agree — your pic needs a little more oomph…) 🙂

  5. Walnut says:

    I have to say . . . and I really don’t say it that often . . . but I LIKE that picture. Usually I hate pictures of me, but this one doesn’t look half bad! I’m smiling, my eyes are mostly open . . . what’s not to like?

  6. Dean says:

    No sparkle in your eyes.

  7. dcr says:

    You’re smiling???

  8. KraftR says:

    It’s your shoulders. You looked stooped. Square them up, you’re golden.

  9. Walnut says:

    okay, okay, kick me in the nads while you’re at it!
