Karen has a computer geek question.

She wants to turn the audio from this Invader Zim clip into a ringtone for her cell phone. I gather she has already searched for downloadable ringtones and this particular one isn’t available.

Any suggestions?

Anyone gonna buy Spore tomorrow?



  1. tambo says:

    No idea on the ring tone – I am utterly cell phone ignorant. It’s so bad that Laura has to constantly remind me how to simply dial out on hers.

    As for Spore, I think Bill’s planning on getting it tomorrow. 🙂

  2. dcr says:

    For the ring tone, I think you just need to convert it to an MP3, which most audio editing programs ought to be able to do. That’s the easy part. How to get it on your phone as a ring tone, I have no idea. I haven’t figured out how to do it on mine; it looks like they want you to buy ring tones (the cell phone carrier likely gets a cut) rather than creating your own and putting them on the cell phone.

    As for Spore, I may get it at some point. It looks like there’s no downloadable version for the Mac, so the only way to get it is to order the boxed copy. What’s up with that? If I can’t download it, I may not get it at all.

  3. kate r says:

    I have no idea but I must say I admire her taste in ring tones.

  4. dcr says:

    In doing some more research, it depends on the phone. The phone needs to have MP3 ringtone support. Then, you have to have someway of transferring the file from your computer. Bluetooth, for example.

  5. FL says:

    tonethis.com is suggested by my husband as a method to transfer music clips into ringtones for free. I have not used it myself, but he has made quite a few ringtones using it.

  6. SBH says:

    or e-mailing it to your phone if you have a dataplan and then playing it, and when it is done playing, setting it as the default ring-tone from your phone. Worked for my phone anyways, when my ring tone for my mother in law used to be Humpback whale calls. I got busted and it got removed.

  7. Walnut says:

    Thanks everyone.

    SBH . . . bwaahahahaaaa! Cruel, cruel.