I knew I would screw this up.

I don’t know yet whether I’m a little screwed or a lot screwed.

I tried to import the Blogger files to this WordPress blog. Everything went well at first; WordPress claimed it had finished, and was merely adding the files to this site. I watched for half an hour as it slowly added my Shatter files, early ones first, to Balls and Walnuts.

Then it stalled. At least 30 or 40 minutes went by with no apparent progress.

That’s when I screwed the pooch. I figured, “Okay, I’ll just start over,” and did just that. Well, it’s not that simple. Now, my blogger blog is kaput, and I can’t seem to use the Import from Blogger function anymore.

Oy. I’m going to try begging for help from the WordPress gurus.

Note: All is not lost. Blogger still has my files, and I did save my Blogger template before starting all of this.  I restored the template, but I think Blogger must still be, erm, disturbed, because I can’t seem to republish the blog. But at least the files are still there!


  1. Blue Gal says:

    Ohmigod if one more friend moves to wordpress…anyhow, you sent me to a friend to help so go over to AL at http://www.threadingwater.com and see if she can help. She just moved over there too and her blog looks great. Tell her I sent ya and beware, we are both leaving for Tacoma on Thursday for a knitting retreat. She may be busy.

  2. Gabriele says:

    Your blogger blog looks fine to me.

    What’s wrong with the importing files, I do not know. 🙂 Maybe it’s the same as if you try to open Mac files under Windows – they just don’t communicate. 😛

  3. Shelbi says:

    Hey, Doug!

    Welcome to your new home. I don’t know if I’m gonna switch yet or not. I may wait until you get yours figured out so I can come beg for help 😉

    If Blogger keeps getting messed up to the point of losing posts altogether, I may make the switch sooner, though. That kinda pissed me off.

    Luckily, they sent me an e-mail version of my posts so I can re-post them. [They were actually posted for a while, and then got deleted when I tried to post new entries, how freaking weird is that?]

    Anyway, I’m adding you to my blogroll again. Good luck figuring this stuff out.

  4. Shelbi says:

    I think I need to expand my vocabulary and stop using the word ‘post’ so much ;-p

  5. Walnut says:

    Yes, I managed to resurrect the Blogger blog by restoring the old template and republishing.

    But I’ve been fussing at this new blog all day, and all I’ve managed to do is (1) add my sitemeter, and (2) sort the old links into categories. I still can’t figure out how to import the rest of my Blogger files.

    I think my eyes are starting to bleed.

  6. Walnut says:

    Shelbi, at the rate I’m “learning” WordPress, I wouldn’t hold your breath.

  7. Hedgehog says:


    We use Word Press on our blog and my husband is pretty proficient with it. If you have any questions, he’ll help you too. It’s a pretty stable platform and quite straightforward once you get used to it. Check out the plug ins too. Some of them are pretty good.

    Yesterday was technology dump day. My cell phone company did something to my cell phone causing the network to forget my SIM. Now the network will not recognize me. They will send me another SIM when they get around to it.

    Next, my computer crashed last night and the husband isl helping me to reload it. He’s got a maniaical glint in his eye because he has wanted to put Service Pack 2 on it for some, time but I have not been ready. Now I have no more excuses and it is Time. It sounds like the logical thing to do, but logic has nothing to do with Windows. This will not be pretty. The cats are stampeding in all directions trying to “help”. Life in Computer Hell.

    I’ll blogroll you, and I would like it if you blogrolled me, since you were asking. Now it’s back to the computer trenches. Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll figure it all out.

  8. Dean says:

    It looks to me like the width of your main thingie is a bit too wide. Because it’s just a hair too wide, WP puts your sidebar links down at the bottom where there’s room. You’re using the standard template, let’s see….

    If you’re using the default template, there’s a file called style.css. In there there’s a section that looks like this:

    #page {
    background-color: white;
    margin: 20px auto;
    padding: 0;
    width: 760px;
    border: 1px solid #959596;
    I think that this is the section that tells WP how wide to make your main post. Reduce this number (width); set it to something like 500 and see what happends. If the sidebar comes back up, then increase the width until it looks reasonable again.

    I also think you can set it to a % of the screen, but I can’t remember the syntax off the top of my head.

  9. Walnut says:

    Thanks, Hedgehog. I sent you a private email.

    I’ll get you blogrolled right away, since that is something I have figured out how to do.

  10. Walnut says:

    Thanks, Dean. I’ll mess with it & we’ll see what happens.

  11. mel gibson says:

    You know what Doug? This looks like Judi McLeod’s blog.


    I highly recommend you put up a bloody crucifix or something at the top.

  12. Dean says:

    Oh, that looks better.