Random kvetch with gratuitous toe

First, the gratuitous camel toe, courtesy of Alicia Keys.

Meh. Could be worse.

So maybe you’re wondering what the hell is going on with me. I surely am. I haven’t written anything worthwhile in a couple of months, and I have little or no interest in blogging, commenting on blogs, or even answering emails.

It’s this job search. Once things are settled, I’ll have lots to write about, but for the time being I have to keep my mouth shut. I have this paranoid delusion that potential employers might be reading my blog. If I tip my hand, I’ll lose any possible advantage I might have in negotiations. I can’t even kvetch about the folks who have pissed me off, since even that tips my hand to some degree.

But it’s ugly, ugly, ugly. If I were willing to move anywhere in the country, we’d be in the catbird‘s seat, but we’re not so we aren’t. I have requirements. My potential employers have requirements. We’re hoping the Venn intersection won’t be a null set.

It’s looking like we’re going to Santa Rosa, but that isn’t a done deal yet. Details, details. And if we do go, we’ll have to sell this house. Fast. Which means we’ll likely need to sell it at 10 to 20 percent below its true market value.

Which hurts.

Oh, hell, it all hurts. Leaving our familiar environment, leaving my patients, taking the inevitable financial hit (which, hopefully, will be only temporary), stepping out onto the precipice . . .

Yeah. Like that.



  1. kate r says:

    My sister lives in Santa Rosa! She’s up in the hills…lots of olive trees and wild turkeys. I’ve been there! It’s WONDERFUL. Perfect weather but not too perfect (that’s good, because you learn to appreciate the weather unless you’re in LA or Santa Barbara)

    I’m crossing my fingers and toes for this one because, seriously, that place is beautiful. Not ocean but great.

  2. Walnut says:

    Well, that’s nice to hear. Around this area, my patients are saying, “Eeeew, Santa Rosa?” which is hardly encouraging. (Perhaps they expect me to say, “Oh, gee, I guess you’re right. That does it, I’m staying!”)

    Kate, do you ever come out to visit your sister?

  3. Stamper in CA says:

    Santa Rosa is home to PSX (Personal Stamp Exchange)…Oh, that’s about me…sorry…just a little light humor…

  4. Dean says:

    Why would you have to sell fast? You could rent for a while, look around, find something perfect.

  5. Walnut says:

    Well, there’s that li’l ol’ problem of having to pay a hefty mortgage AND rent at the same time. Not fun. And in Santa Rosa, like elsewhere in the Bay Area, rents aren’t cheap.

  6. Hey Doug… I feel your pain, my friend. I’m contemplating that same precipice myself. I’ll be shooting good thoughts and positive vibes your way. Let us know what you can when you can.

  7. CornDog says:

    That isn’t a real camel toe. And The Fool card doesn’t really mean that. I don’t think. I love to move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Pack up and move. You already have one foot out the door so go ahead slam the door on the other foot.

  8. tambo says:

    I have a camel toe pic for you. Couldn’t find a bigger image – sorry!!


  9. Walnut says:

    IL: thanks. Best of luck to you, too.

    CD: here, I like this interpretation of The Fool:

    At #0, the Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.

    Apropos, I think.

    Tam: eeeew. Isn’t she all smooth down there like Barbie?