It’s all over but the crying

Garbage, It’s All Over But the Crying . . .

It’s all over but the crying
Fade to black I’m sick of trying
Took too much and now I’m done
It’s all over but the crying

Baby we’re done

From Karen: “Except with Hillary, it would be, ‘It’s all over but the screaming.'” Hissssssss!



  1. Keven says:

    It’s not over. It’ll never be over. They’ll keep this going till post-November.

  2. Walnut says:

    Rachel Maddow thinks so, too (based on her comments on MSNBC this evening), and so does my wife, for that matter. Their argument: Hillary has not been behaving rationally for a long time; why should she start now?

  3. Hillary has not been behaving rationally for a long time; why should she start now?

    Because behaving irrationally could cost her her Senate seat, and that’s all she’s got left now. As it is, the odds of a credible Dem challenger for her seat are pretty good; if she screws Obama by taking this to the convention, that’s double-or-nothing, and tonight she didn’t sound like she was in a double-or-nothing kind of space…

  4. tambo says:

    Goddammit. She took Indiana.

    This will never end!

  5. She took Indiana.

    By 2%. Within the margin of error. In a state she was supposed to win by 10% or more. Obama won NC by 14%, and he was only supposed to take it by 7-10%.

    She’s canceled all her appearances tomorrow, including the morning shows. It’s done. Over. Finito. All that’s left is figuring out how to stage a face-saving exit.

  6. (…he says, hoping he’s right but knowing he’s been (way, way, way) wrong before…)

  7. Walnut says:

    Yeah, Tam, I think ps is right. It’s all over and she realizes it . . . finally. And good lord it’ll be a relief to see scrutiny shift to McCain (I hope!)

  8. kate r says:

    I’m hoping Russertttt is right and she knows she’s done. She’s cancelled the early morning show appearances and is making “come together” notices.

    And I bet that after she slams the locker room and kicks over the benches (ohgAWD I hate sports metaphors with politics) I bet post game she’ll come out and be magnificent in defeat. She’ll give a speech that’ll make Hillary haters think “hey she’s not so bad.”

    I also hope to win the lottery but I do think this one has a better chance at turning into reality.

    Did you see that I ordered a Stonebraker after all? Mine has incest. Neener neener.

  9. kate r says:

    also — herr doctor– speaking of tangents…do you think Russertttt has some kind of thyroid condition? He’s got the pop-eye froggy look. No Marty Feldman but they’re distant cousins.

  10. FDChief says:

    Hate to say this but…done or not she’s probably done all the damage she can do to the donkeys short of staging a convention floor rebellion. Her people are going to be terrifically bitter and miserable about this, I’ve heard talk from them about sitting out the general or even working with McCain.

    I really wanted to respect her but between the dirty infighting and the “let’s find a Republican platform we can work with” policies…mmmeh.

  11. KGK in Geneve says:

    Love the song.

    I’m thinking about voting McCain. Why? Divided government forces both sides to play to the middle and we end up with a more centrist government. When the same party controls both the White House and the Congress, they end up giving in to their extremist sides. Not good.

  12. Walnut says:

    Yeah, except that now is not the time for divided government. There’s way too much at stake, and I don’t want McCain anywhere near that “commander in chief” title.

  13. kate r says:

    Oh, shit. She’s not done yet. Oh. Shit.

  14. tambo says:

    Told you.

    She’ll never give up. Ever. Until we’re dead.

  15. Walnut says:

    She’s the CLINTONATOR!

    My theory? She’ll stay in it until she gets enough donor support so that she can pay back the money she loaned to the campaign. Want her out? Pony up twenty million (or however much she has loaned herself).

    So Karen and Rachel Maddow are right. Somehow, I’m not surprised.

  16. tambo says:

    She’d just use the influx of money as justification of how the people back her and want her to win. Any freaking straw she can grasp she’s clutching in her claws. And her palms are coated with super glue.

  17. Mauigirl says:

    She must be delusional to stay in, unless she has some ulterior motive as you say – paying back the money she loaned her campaign.

    I hear McAuliffe is now saying it won’t go all the way to the convention, so it seems as if they may be seeing the end of the road here. Even if she stays in till the last 6 states vote, that’s only 3 more weeks. Fingers crossed that finishes it.

  18. Keven says:

    >>She took Indiana.
    >By 2%. Within the margin of error. In a state >she was supposed to win by 10% or more. Obama >won NC by 14%, and he was only supposed to >take it by 7-10%.

    Surely there is no margin of error for the actual vote? That would only be for polling purposes where you’re using random samples…

  19. Walnut says:

    Indiana: closer to 1%, is what I heard most recently. Wonder if she can thank Limbaugh for that win?

  20. Surely there is no margin of error for the actual vote?

    Yes and no. I was mostly referring to the fact that in the big picture, a win by under 2% is, for all practical purposes, a tie. Sure, it’s a win – but since the Democrats don’t use winner-take-all rules, it’s a pretty meaningless victory.

    On a more mundane note – of course there are errors, both when people mark their ballots and when their votes are counted. In a large enough population, barring anything like confusing ballot design (or out-and-out corruption), over- and under-counts in both parts of the process for the most part cancel each other out.

  21. Here’s a perfect illustration of vote count errors – Clinton’s 10% victory in Ohio? The final, official count only gives her an 8.8% win, a 26,000 vote difference in Obama’s favor.