Walken fix

Even one bad Chris Walken impersonation beats 99% of the stuff on YouTube. And six bad Walken impersonations? Comedy gold.

If I don’t get a chance to write later . . . live blogging tonight, 7 PM PST. See ya.



  1. kate r says:

    It was good.

    Except I didn’t get most of the imitations at the end and I think I would have LOL’d if I had.

  2. kate r says:

    Kate, AGAIN? But I had to look it up and found. . http://www.mahalo.com/I_Drink_Your_Milkshake.

    Now I will have a life, and it will include coffee and vacuuming.

  3. Walnut says:

    That “I Drink Your Milkshake” stuff looked waaay over the top in the original, and it’s gotten done to death ever since. Heck, I’ve even used it in comments over at Daily Kos.

    I recognized most of those imitations. There was The Godfather, Joe Pesci, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a few others. I’d look at it again except Karen’s asleep and I don’t want to wake her.

  4. kate r says:

    I totally missed the milkshake. I see from my link that it hit early February and peaked in less than a month. I didn’t get the “All UR Bases” until about a year afterwards. I’m culturally slow–not hard to be with the internetty world.