To boldly die

For $799, your ashes can be stored in this beautiful urn:

I may be weird (shut up) but this appeals to me. It’s like one of those big mirror balls you put in your garden; I’ve always wanted one of those, too. I figure it would make for countless hours of entertainment, watching hummingbirds attack their reflections.

More to the point, I DON’T want to be put in the ground, even if it is in a photon torpedo (linked above).

The STAR TREK Casket styling has been inspired by the popular “Photon Torpedo” design seen in STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan.

Way too confining. Deep down, I suspect I may be claustrophobic even in death. Burn me to ash and toss me to the winds! But leave a little for the cool urn.

Sometimes, I think I want to be mulched. Run me through a wood chipper and put the Walnut-slaw around the base of a middle-aged Sequoia, preferably in the middle of an untouchable national park. Yosemite, for example. The Republicans wouldn’t dare drill Yosemite for oil. Then I could become part of some massive tree which would stand erect for centuries to come.

That’s what I want to become in death — a humongous lingam!

How about you?


P.S. We’re home. Six hour drive today, and I did most of it.

Full Balls and Walnuts services should resume tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.


  1. KGK says:

    No, no, no! Don’t leave your ashes lying uselessly around in some dust collecting kotchke! No – the answer is LifeGem!

    A quote from

    What is a LifeGem®?
    The LifeGem® is a certified, high-quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life, or as a symbol of your personal and precious bond with another.

    When my grandmother passed away, I was quite interested in doing this until I saw the prices. I like the concept of having a permanent memento that contains a part of someone. The Victorians did lots of that with hair taken from lovers and relatives (dead and alive) and woven/knotted into designs for brooches, watch fobs, etc. (For modern day versions go to

    I like the diamond idea better than the hair!

    Oh, for me – cremation! Crisp and clean!

  2. what ever happen to tupperware

  3. Walnut says:

    kira: diamonds are so passé. Now, if they could turn me into a ruby . . .

    rdb: lol. Tupperware! “Honey, I used some of that ground coffee you had in the pantry, but it just doesn’t taste right!”

  4. Dean says:

    Hehehehe (Beavis and Butthead voice)

    You said ‘Full Balls’.


  5. Stamper in CA says:

    I don’t want to go into the ground either, and the claustrophobia (even in death) is an issue
    for me as well. I have also thought of ashes scattered somewhere…with a good view.

  6. Walnut says:

    Dean: that I did.

    Sis: I fully expect you to outlive your two brothers, so you had better tell someone who will be around to honor your wishes 🙂

    Oh, and thanks for the cartoons!