Tuesday Night Jam

So Steven Van Zandt, Dave Grohl, Bruce Springsteen, and Elvis Costello walk into a bar, beat the crap out of the Country/Western band that’s singing some kind of Dwight Yoakam caterwaul, steal their guitars, and jam on The Clash’s London Calling.

Something like that.

My pick for best vocalist in this quartet: Dave Grohl. That’s the guy with the goatee, in case y’all aren’t fans.


As some of you know, I like to complain bitterly about not being able to embed videos on my version of WordPress.

Well, I’m going to do something about it. To the first person who gives me advice leading to the successful embedding of a video on this blog (yeah, no fair telling me I can embed back on my Blogger blog), I’ll give a $25 gift certificate to the online vendor of your choice, assuming they offer gift certificates, and what yutz doesn’t?

Hint: copying and pasting the embed code into my post’s HTML does NOT get the job done.



  1. Hint: copying and pasting the embed code into my post’s HTML does NOT get the job done.

    Hunh. My mostly uninformed guess is that your Stickam installation hoses the ‘object’ tag… To start with, I’d try disabling that and then trying YouTube’s boilerplate embed code. Then I’d work my way through whatever remaining plugins you run, disabling each one in turn and trying the embed HTML.

    If none of those work, then I’d start looking at something wonky with your site template. What other plugins are you running, anyway?

  2. Lyvvie says:

    I thought I told you about this ages ago?? Maybe I dreampt it. Have you set up youtube – if it’s you tube video you’re wanting – there’s a code in the description box that you cut/paste onto your blog. I know it works because I just did it. http://lyvvie.wordpress.com/

    The only other suggestion I have is, have you upgraded to WP 2.5?

    Good luck my friend! I’ve been waiting ages for the next installment of How To Get Girls.

  3. Lyvvie says:

    Sorry..ignore the whole set up bit as YouTube changed it recently so you don’t have that rigmarole anymore. Aye, I agree with PS that it must be a code problem with your template. you know, I’ll go install stickam on mine and see if it screws it up for me too…

  4. Lyvvie says:

    I can’t as I don’t use it from my own webpage and it’s not a standard issue widget. Bummer!!

    Good luck, Doug.

  5. Dean says:

    What version of WP you running?

    One of the things these CMSs do (that’s Content Management System!) is rewrite some of your HTML. It is possible… likely even… that a combination of your version of WP and your template are stripping out the tags. Most processors, if they encounter angle brackets they don’t understand, strip them out.

    How much freedom/space do you have on your hosting site? If you have space, set up a test blog and set it up with your current version of WP. Use the basic theme, see if the embed works. If it does, it’s your theme. If it doesn’t, it’s probably your version of WP.

    Upgrading WP is pretty simple.

    If it’s your theme, you could try changing themes until you find one you like that supports it. Or you could dig into the .css and see if you can figure out whether something there is doing it.

  6. Walnut says:

    Thanks, folks. Don’t know when I’ll have time to try these things out (this weekend will be pretty hectic for us, since we’ve planned a trip to the Bay Area) but I won’t forget my promise 🙂

  7. jared says:

    NO NO NO – its easy
    1) click users (far right in your dashboard if you are in the newest wp)

    2) edit your profile – uncheck the “use rich text editor” box

    3) paste the embed code for youtube et al.

    4) publish

    5) go back and check that “use rich text editor box”

    6) watch movies on your blog….

  8. Dean says:


    That would also explain why I can post embedded content and Chris can’t! Which I forgot about till just now.

    I am such a dope sometimes.