Doing our part to pull America out of the recession

Not much from me tonight, I’m afraid; we got home rather late from our weekend trip to Eureka. We spent money, lots of money (hence the title), on CostCo and PetsMart and a bookstore and restaurants etc.

But the big ticket item came today. A new car, perhaps? Down-payment on a vacation cabin? Hardly. Karen went to see a pain medicine specialist for a shot in the ass. Two shots in the ass, to be precise. She screwed herself up when she fractured her pelvis back in ’05 (it’s the 12-19-05 entry, if anyone’s reeeeally curious) and now, more than two years later, we’re still trying to make her better.

“Discouraging” barely begins to cover it.

She did the shots once before and they did nothing for her. That was with another doc, though, and this doc thinks, well, some docs got it, some don’t. Okay, I’ll buy that, but that’s not where I’m putting my hope. I’m putting my hope in the sheer perversity of the human body, its ability to react one way to Treatment A on one day, and the exact opposite way to the exact same Treatment A on another day.

Ugh. I’m tired. I doubt I’m doing a good job expressing myself. Anyway, she’s fine, thanks, but it won’t be clear for another day or two whether this was a big fat waste of time, hope, and money.

But it’s not a waste of money, is it? We’re bolstering the sagging US economy, yeah!

Back to work tomorrow so I can pay for all of this.


PS: Sorry for not visiting your blogs, sorry for not even doing a great job replying to comments. I’ll do better.


  1. Corn Dog says:

    Don’t worry ‘ bout commentin’ or visitin’. We love ya anyways. Give Karen my best. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for her, mostly about chocolate cake I guess.

  2. Stamper in CA says:

    Sure hope this works for Karen.

  3. Walnut says:

    Thanks. The doc called her today, and I gather he tried to talk her into saying she was better. Like it was some kind of ego thing for her to be better. Anyway, she does feel somewhat better, but the snapshot-in-time thing is always so misleading. It’s more a question of how do things feel from day to day than at any given instant.

    We’ll see . . .

  4. Lyvvie says:

    No worries Doug, I’m not your friend because you comment, I’m your friend because I adore you, you silly muppet. And Karen too, oh yes! I hope she gets some relief from these shots.