Leave Hillary Alone!

So said my son this afternoon. It has become an old, tired joke at Chez Walnut.

Leave Bill O’Reilly alone!

Leave tuna alone!

Leave kitty litter pans alone!

Yes, I’m making those up. Jake hates it when I make shit up and attribute it to him — so, Jake, please take note, I haven’t attributed ANY of that to you.

When he said, “Leave Hillary alone!”, however, I told him he really ought to search YouTube for it, since someone has undoubtedly done this.

Turns out, MANY have, but the Young Turks have one of the funniest versions.

Back to work on the Cosmo Thirteen. Stay tuned, droogz.



  1. Dean says:

    Hmmm. I thought, you know, for a woman her age, that rack looks damn good.

    I dunno, I don’t watch the endless news-chatter shows: do they comment about Obama’s ears? If they do, does anyone take them seriously?

    Maybe I’m just cranky this morning. I think it’s fair to comment on her phoniness (which is apparent), her entanglements with her husband’s administration, her policies. I don’t think it’s fair to comment on her appearance.

    So to that extent, yeah, leave Hilary alone.

    (ok, I am cranky this morning. Need gym time.)

  2. Walnut says:

    I remember the cleavage flap — pretty ridiculous, I thought, and IIRC it was mostly Fox News having so much fun with it. But I never saw the pix. That brief image flashed by so fast, it was hard to tell if it was authentic or not. Gut feeling, it was photoshopped.

  3. Pat J says:

    All this talk of cleavage and ears makes me wonder if it’s a race for the “leadership” of the free world, or a high-school popularity contest (“like oh my gawd Trista’s thighs are like so big and do you like think Obama can hear through walls?”).

  4. Dean says:

    And Pat, you probably remember the reaction when the Conservatives under Kim Campbell ran the ads (in the desperate last days) attacking Jean Chretien’s appearance.

    The reaction was savage. The Conservatives were destroyed at the polls, and nearly destroyed as a party. And I would venture to say that the old Conservative party WAS destroyed. The new one is very different.

  5. Pat J says:

    Oh, I do. And for a long time it amused me that any attempt to “unite the right” resulted in more schisms, until it seemed there were about 29 parties on the Conservative side.

    But the best thing to come out of that was the Canadian Conservative-Reform Alliance Party. Seriously. No one checked the acronym till the stationery had been printed and the billboards made.

    Ain’t Canadian politics fun?

  6. Walnut says:

    Reminds me of that idiotic far right group whose goal was to take down Hillary — Citizens United Not Timid. Only with them, the acronym was intentional.