NPR sucks.

Not a half hour ago, some butt wipe on NPR said, in regard to Democratic voters:

“What’s the white male voter to do? Now, all he has to choose from is Hillary or Obama. All you have to do is look at them and you’ll see the problem. He has no one to vote for now.”

I’m paraphrasing, but you get the idea. This same yutz said that men don’t vote for Hillary and white people don’t vote for Obama (tell that to the citizens of Iowa). So, in one sweeping overgeneralization, he labeled all us white males racists and sexists. Not only that, but by implication, the only reason I backed Edwards was because he had all the right qualities — white and male.

What. A. Dick.



  1. LOL u a fool. ps: if u ever in the atl hit me up folk, drinks on me

  2. Walnut says:

    Atlanta? You got it. Same here if you ever make it to my neck of the Pacific Northwest.

  3. Dean says:

    It’s a subtle and pervasive form of racism and sexism, that assumption that white males are racist and sexist.

    Oh, it’s all so meta. Makes my head swim.

    Basic rule: if you are assuming anything about anybody’s opinions because of the colour of their skin or whether or not they have tits, you’re being racist. And/or sexist. Problem is, that form of discrimination is widely practiced and is generally considered acceptable. People who wouldn’t dream of referring to an African-American as a ‘negro’ will say that men are pigs.

  4. Darla says:

    Depressing, but not surprising. *sigh*

  5. julia sexson says:

    you have no idea how badly i wanted to get drunk yesterday afternoon. i haven’t quite figured out what i’m going to do next tuesday when i vote. do i make a protest of it and vote for edwards anyway, or do i hold my nose and vote for obama? i’m not at all wild about him, but no way am i voting for hillary.

    does that make me sexist?

  6. Walnut says:

    Don’t know about you, Julia, but I would LOVE to be able to cast my vote for a woman. Any other woman.

    Wait. That would mean I’d vote for Condie. Or Michelle Malkin. Or Ann Coulter.

    Where are all the good liberal female politicians?

  7. julia sexson says:

    any other woman, indeed. i’d probably wet myself if someone like barbara boxer were running.

  8. kate r says:

    my kid: so you’re voting for hilary?
    me: nope.
    kid: oh, so you won’t vote for a woman–that has to mean that you hate yourself.
    ne: no, but I hate you.

  9. Walnut says:

    And if I don’t vote for John McCain, then I hate me, too!

    Joolz: I’d love to see a Boxer candidacy. Forget that she’s a woman — it would be a victory for us little people, yay!

  10. I got so upset about that I sat down to write a more balanced view of racism in Texas

    T. Korioth

  11. Mauigirl says:

    What an outrageous statement! I’m white and I’m a woman, and I’m supporting Obama. So figure that out, talking heads.