For the fingerless bulimics out there

Props to Maureen for this delightful image. I think I’ll be able to skip that second chocolate chip cookie now.



  1. Other than mindlessly muttering ohmigod repeatedly, I am truly and utterly speechless. And that’s a rarity!

    ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod…

  2. Anonymous says:

    How sad. FEMA can’t even manage to get proper clothes to the hurricane victims.

  3. But, you know something? This guy makes that outfit look good.

  4. Robyn says:

    Wouldn’t you seek medical help if your nads were the size of a grapefruit?

  5. No, Robyn, I’d flaunt it just like this guy. Yeeehaaa!

  6. debi says:

    What I find scary is I can’t help be wonder what the rear view looks like, as that leotard looks quite a high cut!

  7. What I find scarier is the idea that any woman would consider wearing something like that. It looks preposterous on this guy, but could any woman pull it off?

    um. so to speak.

  8. Those shoes so don’t go with that outfit. I mean what was he thinking? Really.

  9. LOL! You want to donate a pair of ballet shoes?

  10. Gabriele C. says:

    No, high heels. Some scary Manolos.

    And he should shave his legs.