Damn it.

Terry Pratchett has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

I don’t talk about him much, but he’s one of my literary heroes. I don’t know anyone who melds humor, action, and pathos as well as Pratchett (e.g., Night Watch, one of his best). This is sad, sad news.

From the man himself, with no shortage of class (linked above):

“I would have liked to keep this one quiet for a little while,” he wrote in a letter headed ‘An Embuggerance’.

. . . . The author said work was continuing on his latest works, Nation and Unseen Academicals, and that there was “time for at least a few more books yet.

“Frankly, I would prefer it if people kept things cheerful,” he continued, saying it was “too soon to tell” if the condition was immediately life-threatening.

“I will, of course, be dead at some future point, as will everybody else. For me, this maybe further off than you think.

“I know it’s a very human thing to say ‘Is there anything I can do?’ but in this case I would only entertain offers from very high-end experts in brain chemistry.”

I wish him the best.



  1. kate r says:

    yeah, bummerage.

    Okay, in the name of sanity (which is what Terry Pratchett is all about) do something political and post a link to this.

    It’s not much of a segue but it’s all I got.

  2. This makes me so sad. It’s all over the net, and I wish there was some meaningful way to respond to it 🙁

  3. Walnut says:

    Bizarre, how some folks think it’s appropriate to respond by sending the man plot ideas! I guess it’s well meaning, but jeez, give it a second’s thought and it’s plainly a bad thing to do.