My day to whore Daily Kos

. . . a site which hardly needs blogwhoring, I know, but this is huge.

Really huge.

Pastafarianism hits the big time.

But this weekend marks a new era for The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). This weekend, His Noodly Appendage will make an appearance at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion in San Diego.

According the Associated Press

The appearance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on the agenda of the American Academy of Religion’s annual meeting gives a kind of scholarly imprimatur to a phenomenon that first emerged in 2005, during the debate in Kansas over whether intelligent design should be taught in public school sciences classes.

Three University of Florida students majoring religion in popular culture have gotten a panel on FSM-ism on the agenda at one of the field’s most prestigious organizations. The AAR web site has abstracts for each of the papers to be presented:

You’ll have to read Carolita’s diary (linked above) to check out the abstracts. Okay, while I’m waiting for folks to show up for live blogging, I’m going to buy me some Pastafarian holiday greeting cards!



  1. kate r says:

    Oh boy! I’m part of an up and coming religion! “Part of” in that I have a little FSM symbol on my silver Honda. I needed something to make it easier to find in a sea of silver Hondas.

  2. Walnut says:

    I need to search their store more carefully. I couldn’t find their FSM car-sticky-thingy, and I couldn’t find the greeting card. I already have too damn many tee-shirts.

  3. shaina says:

    did you get my email????

  4. shaina says:

    i sent it again…

  5. Walnut says:

    Which would be great, except I’m away from email addie at the moment. We’re traveling. Shaina: can you send it to my gmail addie? malmerkin at gmail dot com. I’ll be able to do something about it tonight.


  6. shaina says:

    okay i did. you rock.