The Fix goes live

The Fix: Short Fiction Review.

I’ll be an active reviewer after the first of the year. Until then, not so much. Got hospital chief of staff biz to worry about.



  1. dcr says:

    On the first read, I thought you wrote “hospital chef of staff.” 😉

    So, do you serve man?

  2. Walnut says:

    It’s not a hospital chart, IT’S A COOKBOOK!

  3. dcr says:

    Soylent green is patients!

  4. microsoar says:

    Gotta love that IV marinade.

  5. Walnut says:

    oooh THANKS Darla 😉

  6. Da Nator says:

    So that’s what happened to the part of my leg they “debrided”…

  7. Da Nator says:

    P.S.: Great. Now I’m imagining my leg wound like one of those bread bowls filled with spinach dip.

    P.P.S.: Cool beans about the reviewing. How’d you get the gig?

  8. Walnut says:

    Reminds me of this incredibly annoying scrub tech at Children’s Hospital LA. Whenever the surgeon would remove tissue (adenoids, tonsils, etc.) he would joke throwing it down as a scrap for the dog below the OR table. He’d whistle for the imaginary dog, call her name, praise her for eating the tonsils . . . After a while, I felt like bopping him for it. But I’m nonviolent. And small.