Introducing Zappa

What can I say. Ah needs mah ferrety love.

Why Zappa?

First, there was Teh Cool Zappa.

Then, there were Teh Cute Zappas.

And then, there was Teh Cool and Cute Zappa.

Yeah, I know, dumb joke. Sorry.



  1. Neo says:

    XD She’s CUTE!

    And she looks good with a beard 😛

  2. tambo says:

    were you on for chat? I thought you were, clicked, then got the black ‘not online’ screen. 🙁

  3. Lyvvie says:

    Yay! I like ferrets. They’re fun.

  4. shaina says:

    my friend cory has a dog named zappa that runs into walls 😀
    good luck with the newbie!

  5. Walnut says:

    thanks, folks 😉

    Tam, I left a note on your blog. Sorry you missed us!

  6. Lyvvie says:

    “I’m gonna cover that girl in chocolate syrup and do the nasty on the Whitehouse lawn!” My fav Zappa line. Hide the syrup from the ferret.

  7. CornDog says:

    Zappa is absolutely adorable. Like the added touch of El Beard-o. Is that because she is the devil in disguise?

  8. Walnut says:

    “You Are What You Is” is one of my favorites. You is what you am, a cow don’t make ham 😉

    CD, I should have added bushy eyebrows, too.

  9. Stamper in CA says:

    How affectionate ARE ferrets anyway? Charlene (our cousin) used to get all lovey dovey with her parakeets, and I’d always think to myself…how can you cuddle a parakeet? Feh.
    Anyway, I like Zappa’s coloring. He looks like a cross between a small cat and lion’s cub.

  10. microsoar says:

    Doug can comment on his own experience with the Bronte sisters, but in my experience, ferrets are usually not “affectionate” in the way a dog is or a cat pretends to be.

    A lot depends on how much handling your ferret gets as a kit and how much ongoing attention you can give it. An unhandled ferret can be very antisocial indeed. A well-handled ferret will treat you as a friend and jungle gym. It may even come unbidden and rest in your lap when it gets tired of running about, being excited at the least provocation, hiding loose objects or nipping your toes gently trying to get you to play with it.

    Ferrets are independent, in-your-face selfish animals. But at least they’re honest about it and don’t treat you as a food and comfort resource to be smarmed into affection.

    (Can you guess I’m not a cat person?)

  11. Walnut says:

    Yeah, not affectionate in the rubbing-against-your-leg sense, nor in the smothering-you-with-sloppy-kisses sense. But Zappa really, really wants to interact with us. Also, he likes it when we get down on the floor with him during a war dance. I guess he figures we’re dancing with him.

    Here’s a great weasel war dance, for those of you who have never seen one.

  12. microsoar says:

    Great video. They never look where they’re going when wardancing. Ferrets have had all sense of self-preservation bred out of them.

  13. We also had a Zappa… Ours was a she-Zappa, and a little darker in the face than yours, but still. She was a little less well-mannered (we never could break her of nipping) than our others (Binary & Smudge), but she was still sweet.

    *sigh* I miss having ferrets… They wouldn’t mix well with our rat terrier, though. Or, rather, he wouldn’t mix well with them.

  14. Walnut says:

    We were burning some paper in the fireplace and decided, nope, not a good time to let Zappa play. So, yes, we’re aware of their self-destructive tendencies 😉

    ps, I’ll bet an adult male ferret could hold his own with your rat terrier. And it might be FUN.

  15. Da Nator says:

    That’s it. I’m coming over to visit.

  16. Walnut says:

    We’d love to have you and the missuz!