It’s a mug’s game

You can’t win.

(Pinched from an Orj Ozeppi comment at Daily Kos.)

Enough procrastinating. This book ain’t gonna write itself.



  1. microsoar says:

    ha ha…. (sob)
    but why the briefs?

  2. Walnut says:

    Yeah, I was wondering about that too. The creator (of the animation, that is) is shy about genitalia, but is willing to commit artistic sacrilege? Go figure.

  3. dcr says:

    Okay, I can understand why he might want to add the briefs to cover up the naughty bits. But, I’m a bit confused as to why they appear and disappear.

  4. Walnut says:

    The cost of losing three rounds of rock-paper-scissors to the Supreme Being?

  5. KariBelle says:

    The Lord giveth (underwear) and the Lord taketh away.

    The the good thing about the briefs is that they make his package seem a bit more impressive. Maybe the creator (as opposed to the Creator) is not a prude but simply being kind and helping the poor guy cover up the fact that apparently puberty missed a spot.

  6. Walnut says:

    HAH! Poor Adam. No wonder he fathered such a feeble line.