A quickie photo quiz

I want to share a few cool photos with you this evening. This first one is extremely cool, in fact.

1. This swimmer’s . . .

Originally uploaded by PRI’s The World.

A) erect nipples would cut glass.

B) testicles won’t descend until he obtains a notarized statement promising never, ever to do this again.

C) new best friend is a polar bear.

D) all of the above.

2. This young man . . .

A) complains, “I gave him everything, everything, and he doesn’t call, he doesn’t write . . .”

B) wishes he wouldn’t have cheated on Wendy Vitter.

C) fully embodies Hemingwayesque machisimo.

D) should have skipped All You Can Eat Night at Olive Garden.

And the real reason for tonight’s photo quiz: a shot that made me ooh and aah all morning.

3. What is it?

A) A scanning electron micrograph of Bill O’Reilly’s falafel.

B) Screen shot from the upcoming Star Wars VII: The Jedi Menace.

C) Coral. Duh!

D) Saturn’s moon Hyperion.

Answers in the comments.



  1. Walnut says:

    1. D. From Public Radio International’s The World:

    Anchor Aaron Schachter speaks with British endurance swimmer Lewis Gordon Pugh. Yesterday Pugh became the first person to swim at the geographic North Pole. He braved arctic temperatures for nearly 19 minutes as part of a campaign to raise awareness about climate change.

    2. C. At this year’s running of the bulls in Pamplona, the bulls struck back.

    3. D. Is that photo amazing or what? I’m floored. Flummoxed. Flabbergasted. Does this thing look like any moon we’ve ever seen before? From the report on Universe Today,

    Cassini flew by Hyperion at a distance of only 500 kilometers (310 miles). Hyperion is 266 kilometers (165 miles) across, has an irregular shape, and spins in a chaotic rotation. Much of its interior is empty space, explaining why scientists call Hyperion a rubble-pile moon.

    I hope you enjoyed these photos.

  2. Dean says:

    Three wild photos.
    1. I think 19 minutes in 2 degree water is perilously close to the survival line. In fact, it’s probably over it for most people. It looks like they were monitoring him pretty closely. He seems to have some sort of instrument on his back.

    2. Bulls. They’re BULLS. Part of their mandate is to fuck things up. He’s lucky it isn’t worse.

    3. That is freaky. Freaky-cool, but freaky.

  3. Walnut says:

    From Nature:

    Saturn’s moon Hyperion, an irregular shaped object in a tumbling orbit, looks odd: the Cassini flyby of September 2005 revealed a unique spongy surface. Two papers this week present the initial Cassini results. First, imaging and radio data suggest that the spongy appearance is caused by impact cratering on a porous body. And second, near-infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy reveal details of the surface composition of the highly reflective areas that cover much of the surface, and also of darker areas, mostly at the bottom of craters. The spectra are consistent with the presnece of water ice contaminated with an organic solid.

    There’s only one logical explanation: Hyperion is a Republican nursery!

  4. shaina says:

    OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW that second picture made me wince…

  5. Dean says:

    Shaina, the first picture was ok?

    Oh, right, you don’t have male gonads. You don’t know that it’s like to have them frightened and shivering and attempting to climb into your body via your groinal area.

  6. Walnut says:

    I understand a “knocked ovary” hurts every bit as much as a busted ‘nad.

  7. sxKitten says:

    Harder to knock ovaries than ‘nads, I believe. Although neither is something that should ever come in contact with a bull.

  8. Corn Dog says:

    Me, being from Oakland, thought he was one of the nice Mormon kids that had been shot in the ass. Yeah, I now see the Pamplona garb. He’s never going to poo right again is he, Doctor?

  9. Rellarey says:

    The first picture bugs me. I had a talk with my trainer, who worked at Canadian Forces Base Alert at the top of Ellesmere island. The way the article is worded, sounds like nobody ever swims in the “arctic”, but I hate to say that those crazy Canuks do regularly take a leap into the frigid waters of Ellesmere island to swim to the icecap and back. People do swim out there… just not often. The Laplanders in the Arctic Circle even cut holes in the ice to take a dip.

    Bah, I hate media… I hate it when it gets stuff wrong, and puts a spin on things… especially when I can see it a mile away! 🙂


  10. Walnut says:

    SxK: my understanding is, it can occur during an overly rough pelvic exam, or from sex a big man. Or a bull.

    CD: Perhaps not. . . . Mormon kids shot in the ass? Whaaat?

    Rella: very interesting! So it was all just a stunt, eh? But it was at the North Pole! Surely that’s newsworthy. /snark