
A lot of you have heard me say that I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, and apparently this is true, given this list of the 100 Hottest Women chosen by gay/bi women over at

Let’s face it: Maxim doesn’t cater to lesbians. In fact, you could say it flies in the face of all that we hold dear, especially when it declares Lindsay Lohan the hottest of them all, as it did when it published The Maxim Hot 100 List last month. So we asked you, our readers, to create your own list of hotties, and you came out in droves to nominate the women you think deserve to be on the Hot 100 List. Thousands of votes later, we have the results.

How is our list different from Maxim‘s? Eight of the top 10 women on our list aren’t mentioned anywhere on the Maxim list (Angelina Jolie and Lena Headey are the exceptions), and only four of the women who made Maxim‘s top 10 (Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel and Lindsay Lohan) appear somewhere on the list.

Clearly, what straight men and lesbians find sexy in a woman is a little bit different.

Cap’n Dyke will be delighted to see that Angelina Jolie made #2. Me, I’m tickled by everyone I see here, but in the top 10: Angelina, Salma, and Natalie, YUM. But why the lack of ethnic balance? I’d love to compare Maxim’s list with AfterEllen’s list on ethnic balance, relative blondeness, and relative boobage, but I’m writing on my office computer, which is slooooow. Guess I’ll have my work cut out for me this evening.

Check it out, though, and tell me who’s your favorite from the top 10. Oh, what’s my proof? I have to go all the way down to #25, Mariska Hargitay, before I find someone whom I don’t consider hot.


PS: Glad to see Michelle Rodriguez in the #24 spot. Karen and I both think she’s hot, even though Karen claims she just likes Michelle’s acting.

PPS: Is that really Lucy Lawless?


  1. spyderkl says:

    After looking at the list, I’d have to say it’s a tough choice. I do like Salma Hayek, though.

    I’m surprised Michelle Rodriguez isn’t higher on the list…I think I would have put her in the top 5.

  2. shaina says:

    hokay, so that top ten confirms for me the fact that I MUST MUST MUST watch The L Word!
    my fave from top ten…probly kate winslet. she’s cool.

  3. But why the lack of ethnic balance?

    Reader demographics, pure & simple. As with the broader culture, there are some pretty serious color lines in GLBT culture… They may manifest themselves differently, but they’re still there.

  4. noxcat says:

    Well, I got all the way to 16 before I disagreed with Jodie Foster is amzing, but sexy? Not really. And Jackie Warner looks it in the pic, but watch her show, and she’s not anymore.

    And I love Mariska Hargitay. She’s HOT.

  5. M E-L says:

    I am waiting for someone to take the Maxim and the AfterEllen lists and produce the Pan-Sexually Attractive Women Index:

    (100 – [Maxim Ranking]) x (100 – [AfterEllen Ranking]

    Maxim list is here but couldn’t find a similar site for the AfterEllen list. So much for my extra-curricular spreadsheeting.

  6. sxKitten says:

    A quick perusal of the top 10’s leads me to speculate that Maxim readers appear to go for young and troubled, while AfterEllen folks like intelligent and talented.

    And Angelina will always be #1 for me.

  7. Suisan says:

    DB and I have a standing agreement to enter into a threesome the moment one of us can convince either Salma Hayek or Angelino Jolie to come frolic.

    If one of us manages to drag someone else home, then there will be many hours of negotiations. But for either one of those two, no questions asked.

    We can’t agree on male patrners though.

  8. Da Nator says:

    Eh, it’s a pretty good list, if you like that sort of thing. (Man, I’m old and married!)

    Too heavy on the L Word actresses, white chicks, long hair and young chicks. (Yes, still old.)

    I’m pleasantly surprised that Leisha Hailey is #1. She is definitely hot in my book, despite being on the L Word. Funny is sexier than silicone any day.

    However, Mrs. Nator should be #1. Thank goodness the lesbians of the world don’t know about her (yet)!

  9. jmc says:

    I’ve always thought that Juliette Binoche was just about the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen…but she’s not on the list.

  10. Walnut says:

    Hmm . . . I really don’t understand Maggie Gyllenhaal’s inclusion in the list. But Rachel Weisz? Oooh, baby!

    Hey, Dean! Charlize is on the list.

    jmc, I had to google Juliette Binoche. I see your point. (Not work safe!)

    thanks for your comments, everyone!

  11. Corn Dog says:

    I agree with DaNator’s “Funny is sexier than silicone any day. I was sad to see Wanda Sykes was not on the list. She’s funny, sexy, and smart. My favs after that were Pink, Lucy Liu, and Sandra Oh but no one in the top 10.

  12. Alethea says:

    Well, I actually do think Jodie Foster is sexy. But Scarlett as well. So I’m not age-ist, sue me.

    Juliette Binoche is actually much more attractive now than in the Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988!! nearly 20 years ago!). But older.

    Okay, I’m with you all on Angelina. Her smarts and her body compensate the bee-stung lips (anyone else notice they’ve gone down again a bit over the years)?

  13. Walnut says:

    I kinda like Jodie Foster, too. Further down the list, Meryl Streep surprised me. I like a lot of older women (Helen Mirren, for example; and Catherine DeNeuve is on the list, too) but Meryl, ew. I don’t know why, but I’ve never liked her very much.

    CD, only 2 Asians on that list! And no Grace Chen, no Jacqueline Kim. It’s a crime, I tell you!

  14. sxKitten says:

    Suisan – we have the same deal, only with Charlize instead of Salma. Not that we’d turn down Salma if she was at the door …

    I believe our agreement on male partners is NOT.

  15. Lyvvie says:

    I don’t know half of those people…But I would turn for Lucy Lawless. She’s Amazing! Blonde or brunette, she’s just plain gorgeous.

  16. mark h says:

    of the top 10, I’d have to go with Selma, and Angelina as a close second.

  17. Dean says:

    Doug: any list that didn’t have Charlize would automatically be suspect IMO.

    sxK, you’d be entirely correct about the male partner thang.

    The interesting thing (ok, one of many interesting things in this general area) to me is the number of straight women who’d switch teams for Angelina.

  18. Walnut says:

    Angelina has that universal appeal . . . but, I’m with Mark — Salma > Angelina. Salma’s the reason I can watch From Dusk Till Dawn over and over and over again.