Gray matter fatigue

I thought about writing a post, “Top Ten Items Encountered at Paris Hilton’s Cavity Search,” but after my #10 (From Room 209 of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, the missing Gideon’s Bible), I came up with nothin’. Nicole Richie’s ________. Donald Trump’s _______.

Like I said. Nothin’. The Muse is underwhelmed by Paris, so perhaps it’s a good thing I decided not to write my own version of Paris’s Prison Diaries.

If you’ll allow me to kvetch, I’m still coughing (have I mentioned that yet?), had a full OR schedule today (7:30 – 5:00 without a break), got home late thanks to a hospital committee meeting, and right now I can think of nothing better but to crawl into bed and watch the end of Mythbusters. Tomorrow looks similarly grueling, including a Board of Trustees meeting. So unless someone can suggest an extremely easy Thirteen, we might be looking at a Friday Fourteen. Or a Saturday Sixteen.

Anyway. Here’s Jake, age five, clambering around at our local park.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Ask and you shall receive!

    * 13 Parts of My Body That Have Been Altered or Fixed
    * My 13 Favorite Muppets
    * 13 Things On, Under or Near My Desk At Work
    * 13 Songs I wish I never heard
    * 13 Silly Names I Have for Everyday Things
    * My 13 Favorite Spooky Things
    * 13 People I Hope to Meet in the Café at the End of Time
    * 13 of my favorite moments
    * 13 things about the 13-year-old [insert your name here]
    * 13 Things I Want for My Birthday
    * My Favorite 13 Funny Movies (or romatic, or scary, children’s, Sci-Fi, etc.)
    * 13 Things That I Want Everyone To Know
    * 13 TV Shows that I miss or were cancelled.
    * 13 of My Favorite Thursday Thirteen Posts
    * My 13 Favorite Thursday Thirteen Bloggers
    * 13 Things That Made This Morning Suck

    That’s a start. If those are meh then I’ll try again later.

  2. Pat J says:

    The Café at the End of Time

    Nice. I would also have accepted “The Eschaton Bar & Grill” or “Fimbulvetr Jazz Club” (baby, it’s cold outside, but our music is HOT HOT HOT!).

  3. …and right now I can think of nothing better but to crawl into bed and watch the end of Mythbusters.

    Dude! They shot a chunk of tire through the dummy’s head!

    Simulated decapitation… what’s not to love about that?

  4. Walnut says:

    Lyvvie, funny you should mention cancelled TV shows — last night, I started putting together a 13 of old TV sitcom clips from YouTube. Don’t know if it’ll be ready tonight or not.

    Pat, I’m still trying to understand that comment!

    p.s. (better?) — you betcha. That was great!

  5. Thorne says:

    I hope you got some rest, Doug!
    How about:
    13 Reasons I have (or don’t have) tattoos.
    13 Terms of Endearment.
    13 Descriptive Words I Use Regularly.
    13 Positions for Intercourse.
    13 Reasons I Might “Flip the Bird”.
    13 Things That Make Me Smile.
    13 Things That Make Me: Happy, sad, frustrated, angry, insecure, ecstatic, horny, turned off…

    BTW, Livvie… I snagged your suggestions for future reference! Thx!

  6. p.s. (better?)

    Yes, thanks 😉

    (I find it particularly funny on Dean’s blog, where I comment as ‘protected static’, and his WordPress theme helpfully capitalizes it for me when I hit the submit button. You know. In case I forgot.)

  7. sxKitten says:

    p.s. – that’ll teach him to use the Big Brother theme pack. The next release will replace all commentary adjectives with either “double-plus good” or “double-plus ungood”.

    Which, as we know, will make everything double-plus gooder.

  8. Stamper in CA says:

    13 reasons why Paris Hilton’s skinny little ass should still be in jail

  9. Walnut says:

    Tonight: 2.5 hour Board of Trustees meeting.

    I don’t often bail out on posting, but tonight’s brain-fry makes last night’s brain-fry look like a Reformed Oneg Shabbat. Or a church picnic, to use a phrase more approachable to the goyim.

    Oh, Thorne? I have only one position on intercourse: it’s a good thing.

  10. Corn Dog says:

    Adorable picture.

  11. Alethea says:

    Hey there! You might get a kick out of this post:
    and you would be well-placed to start a nekked bloggers contingent in the demonstration, no? Only if you can ride a bike, though…

  12. Walnut says:

    Thanks, CD.

    Alethea, that link took me to a page with a header and nothing else. I want my naked cyclists!

  13. Come to Seattle… there’s a fairly large contingent that does this every year. If that’s too far, Eugene’s closer; I’d be stunned if there wasn’t a naked bike ride in Eugene. Stunned.

    (In Seattle, the big naked bike ride of the year is actually a semi-sanctioned part of the Fremont Solstice Parade.)

  14. sxKitten says:

    Vancouver has nekkid bike rides, too – usually protesting for world peace or some such noble cause. I can’t watch the news coverage, because my brother is frequently one of them.

    Well, what do you know? It appears today is World Naked Bike Ride Day in Canada:

    Damn! What am I doing,sitting here on my couch?

  15. Thorne says:

    Excellent position, Doug!