Impeach Gonzalez NOW, damn it

Folks who argue, “We just don’t have the votes,” fail to realize how unpopular Alberto Gonzalez is right now. How many Republicans will be willing to stand by Dubya’s man? Isn’t it far more likely that they’ll cave to public pressure, or at least abstain?

Impeach Gonzalez: go and sign the petition now. Um, pretty please? Unless you’re one of my outside-of-the-US readers, of course.

I’ve got more on my plate for tonight . . . stay tuned.



  1. noxcat says:

    If the country’s as bad off as you say, then what’s the point in signing the petition? They’ll just keep the list to know who to go after first.

  2. kate r says:

    yeah so the more people who sign (almost 70K now) the more work they’ll have on their hands, noxcat.

    Think of it as a win/win situation. Even if the worst comes true and we end up with a regime/”government” like the ones I hear about all the time…then, um, it’s a method of stimulating the economy. Busy busy, government beavers.

  3. Walnut says:

    As my wife says, “They can’t put 70% of the population into the camps.”

    Besides, noxcat, there’s some sense in hoping for the best (by remaining politically connected) and planning for the worst. So, no, I don’t see any contradiction.