Three bloody things

A meme from Tiggs. Go check out her place or she’ll spank you. Of course, she might spank if you do visit her. Tiggs’ blog is that kinda place.

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. George W. Bush and his evil cronies
2. Fascists
3. Religious/political ideologues

Yeah, I cheated. They’re all the same.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Cintra Wilson
2. Jon Stewart
3. Stephen Colbert

Three Things I Love:
1. My fambly
2. A good massage
3. A perfect meal

Three Things I Hate:
1. Cancer
2. Heartburn
3. My ferret, when she musks

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Legalese
2. Administratorese
3. Dirtyknese

Three Things On My Desk:
1. An ancient copy of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
2. My Blackberry
3. That June Cosmo I so recently dished on

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Waiting for the laundry to dry
2. Airing out the bedroom (the ferret musked, remember?)
3. Wondering if my family will be content with leftovers

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Cruise the Aegean
2. Watch the war crimes trials of Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Gonzales
3. Attend the post-Rapture bash. It’s gonna be fabulous.

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Write
2. Fix people
3. Make people laugh, present blog entry excepted

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Team sports
2. Understand folks who say they need to “drill down on those numbers”
3. Handle celibacy

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Gogol Bordello’s Punk Rock Paranda
2. Soft Cell’s Chips on My Shoulder
3. Nine Inch Nails’ La Mer/The Great Below

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Tucker Carlson
2. Bill O’Reilly
3. Ann Coulter

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. Shiatsu
2. Screenwriting
3. Any musical instrument. I can’t even blow on a damn didgeridoo.

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Dim sum (especially jellyfish, yum!)
2. Sushi
3. Italian. Good Italian. Not that Olive Garden crap.

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Garner Ted Armstrong
2. Wonderama
3. Night Gallery (how’s that for a trio?)

Three Things I Regret:
1. Not having better self knowledge as a kid, young adult . . .
2. Not having faith in myself to take chances
3. That I didn’t indulge in more high risk behavior as a college student

Three People I Tag:

Hmm. Who won’t mind? How about . . .

1. Lyvvie
2. Kris
3. Kate



  1. Tiggr says:

    No spanking for you today! You made me laugh and these days, that’s tough to do!

    Love that you love your “fambly”!!!!

    So you couldn’t handle the vegetarian thing, eh? Too bad for the cows and pigs and ducks and fish and crabs and shrimp and oysters and well, yeah, it sucks for them. But you did make me laugh just the same…

    Thanks for playing along, and so quickly, too!

  2. shaina says:

    i might do this, even though you didnt tag me. not now, though, cuz my tylenol PM’s gonna kick in soon…

    p.s. erin and dean and sxk have them, you need a Facebook too! srsly. erin and dean are now my friends, and she left me the most hilarious wall post and it was amazing. please? for me?

  3. Lyvvie says:

    Ack! Homework!

    Ok I’ll have this up for tomorrow Dr. Hoffman!! *scurries away looseleaf notebook flapping papers in her wake*

  4. Walnut says:

    Glad to make you smile, Tiggs. And it didn’t even involve paddles.

    Shaina, it was fun poking you last night. I’ve never poked anyone so young, so nubile . . .

    Lyvvie, bring two sharpened #2 pencils to the final.

  5. shaina says:

    doug, you’re a dirty old man. but i poked you back anyways!

  6. Lyvvie says:

    Mine is done!!!

  7. DementedM says:

    Unless you actually like Shaitsu (i.e. you’ve experienced it and liked it) I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s just really hard intervertebral pressure. That’s it. I suppose you could argue that it numbs the spinal nerves in the area inducing relaxation, but I’d rather have a good fluff ‘n’ buff massage over shiatsu and it’ll do the same thing.

    Shiatsu was the one seminar I hated in massage therapy school and I don’t use what I learned at all.


  8. DementedM says:

    Oh and I always forget something…

    Plus you have to do Shiatsu on the floor, kneeling, which is not comfortable.


  9. Walnut says:

    Maybe I just lucked out, Michelle. In grad school, our program secretary was taking classes in shiatsu and she wanted a guinea pig. I let her at me, and it was one of the most relaxing massages I’ve ever had.

    Fluff ‘n buff — is that even legal in California?


  10. Lyvvie says:

    Screw legal, I want some!

  11. kate r says:

    mmmmm dim sum

  12. Walnut says:

    I want some all the time, but that doesn’t mean I’m getting any.

    We were talking about food, right?

  13. Kris Starr says:

    Gah. This is what I get for being away from here for a while — I didn’t even know you tagged me.

    Okay, I’ll take a stab at this today. I was debating on what to blog about, anyway, so I suppose I should thank you.

    I think.