One outa four ain’t bad

We took off a four-day weekend for Easter — my employees’ idea, which I supposedly approved — and I’d had great hopes of finishing my romance, but it was not to be. Not that it was a wasted weekend. On Friday, I dashed off nearly 3000 words on a weird little erotica short story. Great, thought I, I’ve broken the block! Yet I still kept gagging on the manuscript.

A few months ago, I threw away the last quarter of the novel and started afresh. Today, I reread the newer material, and I’m happy with it. The big sex scene may be a little too kinky for some of my beta readers but I’ll bet I’m underestimating y’all. And now none of my characters are behaving with extraordinary stupidity. No dumbass misunderstandings, no improbable emotions. I think I see the way forward.

And I probably could have written more than five hundred words today, too, except this was the first sunny day of the last four, and the boy and I were stir crazy. Hard to resist this:

In this next photo, do you see the brilliant orange starfish, the beautiful purple sea urchin?

Yeah, neither did we. I think it’s the wrong time of year to go tidepooling. We shared the beach with lots of happy seagulls (who hogged the parking lot like you wouldn’t believe), like these fellows:

And here’s the boy.

As much as I want to finish this novel, I refuse to miss days like this. And — oh! We have wild orchids around here, too:



  1. Darla says:

    I think you’re underestimating. Kinky? Bring it on. 😉

    We’ve got gorgeous sunshine here, too. Been off visiting castles & sundry stuff like that. It’s spring break here, and for a change, the weather has been wonderfully cooperative. BBQ with the in-laws tomorrow, then Frankfurt on Thursday, then the Felsenmeer on Friday.

  2. sxKitten says:

    I have surf envy. We don’t get crashing waves in sheltered Vancouver.

    And good for you for having your priorities straight!

  3. We don’t get crashing waves in sheltered Vancouver.

    Same for Seattle. All that water, and no waves. How far do you have to go to get surf? Tofino?

    On the other hand, you have some nearby beaches that smell right! I forget where exactly we were – around Sooke, maybe? it was really rocky, with splashes of orange-yellow lichen – and all of a sudden I had this incredible sensory memory of summers spent on the Atlantic Coast.

    That’s probably the one thing I miss most… For the most part, the Pacific just doesn’t smell right.

  4. sxKitten says:

    How far do you have to go to get surf? Tofino?

    Just about. Ucluelet is a little closer, and there are some beaches further south that you get to through Victoria, but they’re all a ferry-ride away from Vancouver.

    I haven’t been near the Atlantic in 30 years, but hope to get back one day so I can compare beach scents.

  5. Corn Dog says:

    Beautiful photos! It’s been warm and sunny here too. The dogs and I are making rounds in the neighborhood.

  6. Kris Starr says:

    I hate you.

    We still have snow on the ground.

    Maybe I should move…

  7. sxKitten says:

    Yes, Kris, bring the Weasel and move to the West Coast. Hear the siren song of the sea calling to you … krissssss …. krissssss …. krissssss ….

  8. mm says:

    I hate you too. No offense.

    Doug, you never mention that big effing novel I’ve read over twice anymore. If you just drop it now, I swear I’ll kick your ass.

  9. Da Nator says:

    Beautiful scenery, cute kid! But isn’t that an iris?

  10. Walnut says:

    Thanks for the vote of kinky confidence, Darla.

    PS, SxK, come down here and we can fight about who has the best coast.

    Da Nator: An iris? An iris? How do I tell the effing difference? I’m just glad I can tell a hibiscus from a rose.

    Kris, I’m sure there’s a place for your weasel on our beaches.

    Mo, I’m having enough angst as it is over finishing Technical Virgins. Don’t remind me of my other Great Project.

    Corn Dog: making rounds — not cylinders?

  11. jona says:

    Wow, you were right when you said our coastlines look similar! Our flowers aren’t.

  12. Ralph Munn says:

    “Well the
    First of December was Covered with Snow;
    So was the Turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston…”

    …well, can’t speak for Boston, but out here in The Berks it’s friggin’ snowing!

    Thanks for the pics, I feel warmer already! 😉

    …and yeah, that does look like an Iris!